We enjoyed a little bit of magic at Exmouth Beach today.
I had a rubbish night with a stuffed up nose, which did not help. I had forgotten my nose spray which helped even less.
H lay quietly through my travails and came downstairs with me around 07.00 and we went for a short walk around the estate together. It was sort of cloudy/ sunny.
Later, Pen took H for a lovely little walk on Aylesbeare Common. And I continued to watch Sambre which I am really enjoying. In fact I’ve reached the end. H refused to eat Pen’s treats of cooked chicken, even though she left some in the car seat for her.
The day brightened up and their friend, also their gardener arrived, who Pen later went out to help. H mooched around by the pool. I went to find my sunglasses which ensured the sun went in never to be seen again. It was warm until that point.
Earlier, Evie, aided by Sam, had cooked an excellent brunch so all was good with the day.
At about 15.30, we went to Exmouth beach where there are now no restrictions on dogs on BBC any of it. H was so good excited to be running on sand. She always is. We were quite astounded to watch a group swimming. No wet suits.
And even more astounded to see two seals cavorting in the waves about 3 or 4 metres from where we were standing.

And suddenly they interacted with more enthusiasm .

We then visited Darts , where I have not been since before Covid and it has certainly changed. It still carries an amazing selection of edible goods amongst other things. But Cotswold, the outdoor shop, no longer sells boots and hiking shoes, the prime purpose of our visit. So instead I bought some delicious bread sticks and an even more delicious chocolate cake.
The day was capped by a tasty Spanish stew made by Dave, from Mindful Chef ingredients, another company that delivers them, correctly measured out for an accompanying recipe. Really handy if there is more than one of you.
Ali and Dave use Hello Fresh – another company based on the same concept. Both companies have interesting recipes.
Thought for the Day

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