
A much better sleep last night although I was awake at the usual early hour.

Despite the hour falling backwards a couple of nights ago, it seemed that daylight took a while to arrive.
I breakfasted… H lay around quietly sleeping but Minnie was edgy, making her desire for a walk clear to me as I sipped coffee. Minnie started off by the door to the sitting room and gradually crept closer and closer to me.

We walked around the bigger fields at Cholsey, and I had even remembered the ball. I kept this concealed until we reached the cricket pitch. Reveal it sooner, and Minnie has no interest in anything, but chasing the ball. And I like her to enjoy exploring and running free.

So at the cricket pitch we got incredibly wet feet and an incredibly soggy ball. We arrived at the final gate by the car, where we met an idiot. A smiley elderly man with a whippet on a leash. A nice whippet, but a very barky whippet, which set Minnie off in reply and H thought she had better join in. Both my dogs were on the lead by now because we were close to the car.

The idiot allowed his dog the length of its extending lead whilst I explained (loudly) that I was restraining my dogs on a tight lead because otherwise they would pull me over. So instead of doing the sensible thing and moving swiftly on, the idiot stays where he is so his dog can say hello to my two. I am trapped between his presence and the gate. My dogs are straining away and I am clinging to the gate so as not to be unbalanced and dragged into the rendezvous.

He eventually removed himself and there was no more pulling or straining.
We returned home to tidying, craft and a snooze later in the day. I took myself out on a brief trip T Waitrose and bought ingredients to make some salmon pate to take to Devon. It rests in the fridge. I hope I remember it.

I was about to return Minnie home when I discovered Dave and F and G were in Blewbury, on their way back from their hockey trip away, so I asked them to stop by and pick up Minnie. Which they did. It saved me a trip.

Bake Off was another hour or so of pure joy. It is a very close competition this year. PH commented they were all in danger of going home. They are all good bakers on a good day, but they all manage to flip flop from the very good to the near disastrous.

And what to watch next ? Well I embarked on a French mini series called Sambre, Anatomy of a Crime. Loosely based on true events. It’s interesting, It tracks a crime / crimes back from the early 1990s to 2018, and exposes the incompetence of the French police in 1. identifying a series of sexual assaults as rapes and 2. rapes as perpetrated by the same person. These are the early days of DNA testing.


It is recommended by the Guardian. And I can see why.

A303 tomorrow.

Thought for the Day






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