Well – a little bit.
I was out early with the dogs. Around 07.30 I think. Of course the hour fell back (as they might say in the States) But I failed to appreciate an extra hour in bed, but I did enjoy the lighter morning. It won’t last long.
We walked at Pangbourne, but probably for the last time until the spring, unless we have a very dry smell. There, the grass is quite long and was very wet this morning. But the ground beneath is very slippery and muddy. Hence it is unlikely that I will be visiting much.
I remembered the ball, so extended Minnie’s walk with plenty of running around. To my consternation, she rolled around in the lush grass, in between trips to the Thames. What a wet dog.
As I drove along Pangbourne Riviera, steam was rising from the river which is always very atmospheric.

We were home in time for me to continue a painting and artistically challenging task in my Adriatic repertoire. Or even in my artistic repertoire, limited as it is.
And then there was a little relaxation and knitting before visiting the Illis at 11.30, which was changed by Ali to 12.30 and then 13.00. I managed to arrive late at 13.15 – for a delicious brunch.
The vegetables were potatoes, sprouts and red cabbage stir fried with egg and bacon. All very yummy. And a great cup of decaf coffee to go with it all.
They are off to the midlands for a couple of hockey days which is why Minnie is visiting. As I lie typing this, both dogs are curled up in their doggy beds at the foot of my bed where I am reclining.
I decided I no longer needed to take part in the ongoing Biology Revision Session that George was being subjected to and travelled home. Long ago, I came to realise that the younger generation of relatives knew far more about almost anything and everything, than I did. Biology and its unfamiliar vocabulary included.
Swimming will be tricky, more likely a non-starter, next week with Minnie around , and, on Wednesday, a trip to Devon. Half term precludes the afternoons.
I finished watching Angela Black . Joanne Froggatt acted her socks off. Someone needed to, because some of it was a bit far fetched. But I enjoyed it.
Thought for the Day

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