Another interrupted night, but one which left me to catch up on sleep in the late/early morning hours.
The late awakening was, in fact, good timing for me to go up to the Illis to say farewell to P and F who are returning to Leeds today. In fact, they might even have arrived by now.
I offered to take Minnie on our walk, which I was proposing to enjoy on Lardon Chase allowing me a chance to have a chat with T. However, upon arrival at the car park, I discovered cows milling around the gate blocking the gateway by force of numbers.
So we retreated to Cholsey where the dogs were very active and I ended up on the bench at the Rec, whilst throwing the ball for Minnie. Whilst H looked on.
Autumn leaves just turning…

The weather has been grey and depressing all day with spits and spots of rain. But during the afternoon, the sky took on a bilious yellow hue and the heavens opened.
But before they opened, I had managed to squeeze in, what I hope is, the last cut of the grass in 2024. This was very very hard work because the ground was heavy, the grass was long and lush. It is three weeks since I last cut it. Before stent 2. To be precise.
It was hard work pushing the mower, dodging the cable and racing the rain. Electricity and water don’t mix that well. And I didn’t want a half cut lawn.
And I filled the grass collector which I used to transport the cuttings to the bin X 1.5 . I haven’t managed that many cuttings all summer.
I retired for the afternoon, indulging in quite a riveting Netflix 2019 miniseries based on a true story called Unbelievable.
Around 18.00 I realised I had tablets to collect from the surgery dispensing machine. So off I went on an unexciting evening jaunt, returning in darkness.
I think the hour goes back tomorrow night. Evenings will seem even darker. But I have spent most of today, Friday, thinking it was Saturday, so my state of confusion will only deepen. Those of you who know me will understand I get in muddles over no-annual hour changes.
And it’s half term over the coming week. I am tripping to Devon on Wednesday and Minnie is coming for a few sleep overs tomorrow.
South Stoke held their Fireworks Disolay this evening . It was certainly noisy, I expect it was probably bright. But I could not be not be bothered to look. It seems a bit early.
With T, we used to go down to the B and W and grab front row seats, watching the display just over the river. For free. The B and W used to benefit from Moulsford residents gathering to watch. I expect they did tonight.
Thought for the Day

Sunset was spectacular- I just caught it leaving home. Sadly, I was car bound for the better views .
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