Yes, it was one of those days with sun, but when there could be a shower at any moment.
I was sad to hear of the train crash in Wales, not far from Machynlleth, one of our favorite towns, situated at the head of the Dovey Estuary. I don’t really understand how it could have happened on that sleepy line.
Moving on, I swam early. The pool was busy when I arrived, calmed down, and then ‘Mr and Mrs’ as an acquaintance calls them, arrived .
These two manage to space themselves about a length apart, and swim so slowly, they barely move. And impede everyone. Once they reach one end of the pool, they always wait for a faster swimmer to arrive, so they can push off directly in front of them. And they make overtaking tricky by swimming in the middle of the lanes, rather than by the ropes or wall of the lane.
My acquaintance says they lack awareness of other people. Selfish and intellectually challenged, is what I think. Anyway, I no longer wait to be asked if I would like to swim ahead because I know that won’t happen. I can be rude too. So I just push off in front of them.
At least, developing strategies to deal with annoying people, consumes idle mental time whilst I swim. So my swim felt soon done and I went home. The return journey was peppered with warnings about yet more roadworks which were going to close the road around Hagbourne for 6 weeks. Gas works this time. It’s like an outbreak, a rash, everywhere you go, there is something being replaced or maintained. Making up for not having done the work years earlier perhaps.
And they were back at Streatley lights again today, deep trenches dug beside the road, but not impeding traffic. Yet. And Streatley Hill is being closed again for 3 days from October 30. My hairdresser commented on businesses that had closed as a result of all the goings on. Though I’m not sure I noticed any that had closed.
It was not a good day on the roads yesterday. The M40 suffered from an accident. The A34 was closed between the Andover Road slip and Highclere, causing local congestion. They had to repair a barrier. And there were further incidents on the A34 and other roads.
However, back to Goting where there were some quite fetching Halloween displays. That was where I was this afternoon, having a haircut.
I had walked H earlier at Pangbourne, where the river and its effluent were flowing fast. It was sunny and pleasant when I arrived with H and my dog grooming rake. I attached her to the lead and slipped a muzzle over her nose when she got nippy. She is very sensitive around her hind legs. She pawed at the muzzle until she removed it. I put it back and she took it off again. Whereupon I removed the muzzle and the lead and she sat beside me, free as a bird, on the bench whilst I removed no small amount of fluff. We had a big love in and left a trail of evidence for nature to deal with. When I was young , I was told birds liked dog fur for their nests. But it’s not nesting season.

H guards her fluff.
Back home I ignored the grass which was growing before my very eyes, and wrestled with the knitting pattern. The start of each tree is tricky and challenging and I need what few wits about me I have, to be fully alert. I may have to adapt the pattern because the start is disproportionately slow, Time and more practice might improve matters. It’s a matter of not letting stitches escape, and having the correct number I quite useful. Now I have a paper pattern, I can actually read it.
Word press continues to play up, not allowing me to type my blog unless I can catch it unawares. Currently, it is a wakeful interlude where I did just that.
I was watching Solar System with Brian Cox. Interesting, but I need to devote to it my full attention and not be multitasking with my knitting pattern.
Also I have picked up Capital on Netflix. It’s a mini series, a few years old, but a great watch. With notable actors. Probably more notable now than when it was filmed. Toby Jones for example.
Thought for the Day

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