
We were warned today would be stormy. The morning was quiet, but the middle of the day (when I walked H a short distance) was rather wild and, earlier, it had been very very wet, and was still wet. By the afternoon everything had cleared up, except for the wind, and had gone elsewhere.

My night was not brilliant but I survived. I busied myself with this and that this morning, mostly ignoring useful things I could have done, going for the pleasurable jobs instead.

I decided to take H for a walk along the old railway line at Hampstead Norreys, because of the shingle surface. Unmuddy surface. This proved to be a really silly idea and I changed my mind. The wind was really strong, and it was raining, but I realised that the track was lined by tall and rather spindly trees, which regularly seem to fall over. In the past, I have had to step around or over trees that were upright on the outward walk, and that have inconveniently fallen over by the time I was returning. So I decided against this location.

I called in at Vicars farm shop and walked H up their approach lane, which is also bordered by tall trees . She had to be on the lead, which was not entirely satisfactory and we only went as far as was absolutely necessary. I grabbed one or two groceries etc and set off home.

As we reached Moulsford, the rain had stopped and things were perking up weather wise, so I headed for Cholsey where we took another stroll around the meadows.

Stormy clouds below.

And that was more or less it for the day. It’s been a very quiet one. A day of nothingness.

But I have reached the end of Joan, based on the early life story of Joan Hannington, with various changes to the story line, but keeping the gist of things as they were lived. What a naughty lady she was.

And I’ve researched pumpkin soup recipes. Tina once made us a lovely one but she used frozen, chopped pumpkin, which you can buy in Greece , but not here, it seems.

I’m already seeing pumpkins on doorsteps. This is getting ridiculous. I’m a party pooper when it comes to Halloween and Guy Fawkes anyway. I resent trick or treat and sentiments behind Halloween. And I don’t see the point in burning money as fireworks. Or upsetting animals. Repeatedly. Grump over.

Grudgingly, I admit some children may enjoy both.

Thought for the day






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