
I became quite absorbed in some arty crafty stuff so did not make it for my early swim . Must do better tomorrow. I spent about an hour fiddling and then abandoned everything to collect my new glasses from Boots in Didcot.

Oh everything is so clear, I can read the TV subtitles amongst other things. And the colours on the TV are much brighter. And I can see cars and other things that litter our roads! Even in rain! And the intermediate / occupational prescription, which I’ve never had before, means I can see to paint with glasses on. Similarly with the laptop etc.

But I must be careful not to try and drive with them on – definitely not a good idea. Because they have no focus on distance.

But I am pleased with all three pairs. It will be interesting to see what difference they make to night driving. I will test them on Friday.

Since I needed milk, and was in Didcot, the M and S food hall was too much of a temptation. Milk was not all with which I came out. Not exactly treats. More sustenance than treats.

New cleaner, Sharon, arrived to clean – normally she will come on a Thursday but she is busy studying drugs – a necessity for her new job. She has to get 100% in the online test. She was stuck at 91%. Which was two questions wrong. So work to do.
Did I mention she was a nurse

But she did a good cleaning job.
After she left, H and I took a turn round Cholsey Meadows. The ground is becoming muddier by the day and I know Pangbourne Meadows will be awash. But I miss Pangbourne. Perhaps I will dig out my welly boots.

Heidi guards the pond.

It was pleasant enough out there. Damp and spitty, but not cold. By the time I arrived home, I was starving. My snack at around 05.00 was but a distant memory.

Of course, food merely sent me to sleep. So I am now annoyingly awake when I should be dozing.

Thought for the Day






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