
It’s late! Whichever way I tried, including via a restart, WordPress would not allow me access to do my blog earlier this evening. I just kept getting the same silly page which did not allow the keyboard presence. ( On my phone) However, three hours later, Bungo!

I awoke at the usual silly hour, feeling quite at peace with the world. Well that did not last long. I arose, and whilst dealing with some art stuff, I began to feel a little nauseous followed by an urgent need for the loo.

And there followed a chunk of the day stuffed full of urgent visits to the loo. Completely irresistible summonses. I had no insides left within me.

I abandoned the art and took up a prone position with paracetamol and a hot water bottle. This was no day for a stiff upper lip. It was a day to snuggle clutching a hotty to my tum. Sleep was far too dangerous so I just lay there feeling sorry for myself.

By 15.30, I judged that I had improved sufficiently that it might be safe enough to take H on a short walk. So I did. A very short one around one of the smaller Cholsey Meadows.

H was suitably grateful. My conscience was salved. And the end of the day has passed more safely than the morning hours.

I was actually hungry by early evening, so I turned the rice, which I was about to cook, into a stuffed pepper dish. Fingers crossed it stays where I put it. Inside me. For a while at least.

Feeling as I did, I streamed the rest of Ludwig which was very enjoyable. I can work out how Series 2 will pan out, assuming BBC make one. Their current offerings seem mainly to consist of relocation , antique or recycling shows with a few silly game shows thrown in. They’ve largely ditched their medical dramas which were well produced.

I couldn’t be bothered to watch the Strictly results show because I find it boring. But I do know the result. Everyone knows it is filmed after the main show on a Saturday and is not live on the Sunday.

Thought for the Day






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