And that was the day. Saw no one and did nothing of significance.
I was awake at the usual stupid time, and drank the usual hot drink before drifting back to sleep again.
But I had to be careful because I had to get to Woodcote for O9:25 for my flu and Covid jabs. I managed to achieve that and joined the stream of the elderly and the infirm who were tottering towards Woodcote Surgery. Two pricks and it was all done.
I was soon home to do a bit of charging of my electronic equipment. Then H and I took a brief and badly timed walk. Brief and badly timed – thanks to the rain that started up just as I was starting up.
It was time for lunch which promptly sent me into doze mood. I’m still trying to watch Ludvig.
I spent a little while contemplating Christmas crafty stuff and carried out a bit of research on that. It’s a while since I have turned my hand to Christmas crafty matters.
The year when I made 5 Cath Kidston bean bags and turned the BV dining room into a polystyrene bead disaster.

And 2015
was the year of knitted garlands…

All the above are still going strong although the bean bags have been flattened and refilled.
This is what Pen has asked for this year…

Fine! If only I could crochet. I’m researching alternatives.
Strictly occupied the evening. No spoilers, except to say there are a few partnerships bumping around with low scores.
And that was my scintillating day.
Thought for the day

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