
Yes! All day sunshine today. And very welcome too.
I was awake around 04.00 when I had a hot drink and then went back to sleep for a bit. But I was finally up quite early because I was not sure what time our nice window cleaner would be round to clear the gutters. On a bungalow, not particularly hard.

T would have done it easy peasy. His choice of day for clearing gutters was usually Christmas Day. He had no fear of heights in his younger/ middle-aged days. Once, for some unknown reason, he attached an alarm for the burglar alarm to a high chimney. More for show than usefulness I think.

Once the gutters were done, H and I decided to go for a walk – at Cholsey once more. In glorious sunshine.
And then I decided to shop at the Imma Bakery. Now it was fun getting there, due to road closures and innumerable sets of road works. We made a few wrong turns. Their shelves were a bit depleted but I still managed to pick up a sour dough baguette. To go with the soup I made earlier which I forgot to mention.

I noticed a new sign – to the Wild Frog Bakehouse, on the same little light industrial complex at Stoke Row. It’s strange, that Stoke Row, which is located in the middle of nowhere, has two artisan sourdough / pastry bakeries on the same site. I think the frog one has only recently opened its counter to selling direct. And then there is the Blewbury Bakery too, not very far away. It’s all too tempting!

This morning at the Imma bakery, they were carving up risen uncooked loaves ready for baking. They have heaps of baskets in different shapes and sizes where the dough sits to prove. They also sell filled baguettes and sandwiches to order, and essentials like milk and butter etc.

I had decided that H and I would next visit Waitrose for a few groceries. It was cool enough, despite the sun, for H to be left in the car. 10C though it felt much warmer. Well, chance would have been a fine thing. The car park was busting its guts so I headed for Lidl instead. Not quite the same, but it met my needs. And more. And I could park.

Whilst unpacking, I couldn’t find an onion in the fridge veg drawer. This was very puzzling. I was convinced I had one somewhere. Eventually I remembered …

My soup looked like dog diarrhea but was very tasty. I suppose if I had drizzled some cream on it, along with a sprinkle of herbs, it would have looked better. ( ingredients: onion, but not the missing one, carrot, parsnip, potatoes, garlic, green pepper)

Dear reader, I did warn you.

Time for a sit down and some TV. H disagreed and decided to bask outside in the shade, until she realised the sun was more attractive.

Well as for the missing onion. Perhaps you can spot it. What I forgot to mention was the fact I had set up my own still life for more tonal painting. The subject matter was a bit crap – a house plant watering can and two lemons and a missing onion. It awaits more attention. I think it will be my last monochrome tonal painting. The novelty is wearing off but I think I have learnt a fair bit from these studies

I shone a table light nearby to bring out the lighter spots. Not in the shot.

Thought for the Day






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