
Ha! And not before time.

I slept well for the first half of the night, which seems to be the way things go these days. Or maybe I should say nights .
I toyed with the idea of going swimming and not much seemed to be going on in this McGeorge household so I threw the towel in.

And I drove the long way round to reach Didcot.
It was not a dry day until later on as it progressed towards afternoon.

The pool was not too busy but the usual slow hub clumped together and held people up. Particularly the lady in blue who was up to trickery and wearing black today.

The skinny lady with the long levers for legs, and the flowery costume, who swims much faster than anyone else in the slow lane, got her come uppance today. Ha! Not before time!

She is a nuisance because she persists in swimming up and down between the upward swimmers and the downward swimmers.

Well, she got her come uppance, and the lifeguards moved her across to a more middle lane. She did not like it. Those faster lanes are more squashed. Not as wide. But she was in the wrong place amongst us snails.

It is good to see lifeguards asserting themselves. Lady in black/blue – maybe you will be next. And get told to concede to faster swimmers instead of pushing off in front of them.

I came home to recover and take H out for a little walkie. The sun was trying to shine by now and the light was quite striking at times. The gobbled hedges were looking very tidy and their shortened height revealed distant vistas which have been hidden all summer.

Some bits of hedge were trimmed in quite an architectural way.

Walking my way beside the shaven hedge was quite tricky because the tractor tyres had left deep weals in the ground. (as opposed to wheels)

Once home I finished the remains of the shepherds’ pie and slept it off.

For once, Burt had left my bins alone. Probably a result of my guarded but firm conversation last week, when Wendy had knodded noingly. I remember when we first moved in here, and I commented on him moving the bins. He had told me that if he hadn’t done so to the previous occupants’ bins, they would never have been put out. I now recognise this as just another of his interfering fantasies. But I did not know better then.

Pen has suggested erecting a picket fence to protect our bit of drive and to stop him wandering across it. A six foot high fence (complete with watch tower) might do the job better! And I am not his ‘me dear’. I am easily irritated when people use endearments to which they are not entitled.

Grump over.

I keep trying to watch a programme called Ludvig, starting David Mitchell. It is quite intriguing but I keep needing to rewatch sections.

I came to bed early this evening to avoid dozing in the chair. I was awake in the night to discover I had missed a plethora of texts between Pen and Ali and photos to do with northern lights in Devon . Too much cloud cover here.

You can just see the plough in the photo above . I think that might be looking towards Dartmoor but I’m not sure.

And from Windsor …

Thought for the Day






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