Another not great night, but at least I’m feeling OK. The day dawned miserable and uninviting so another day when I did not rush to get up.
Nevertheless , H and I were out strolling Cholsey Meadows soon after 09.00. The weather was threatening by now, so the raincoat went on and I needed it – to keep the wind out, never mind water. It will be hat and gloves before long.
H kept herself busy until I restricted her movements in order to groom her. I had purchased a clever new grooming gadget which really gets rid of the fluff. H is fine about it, until I tweak her by mistake, then she reveals her displeasure. She is looking sleeker each day!
We returned home where I set about doing my art homework, another tonal study. It is yet to be finished – the background needs a lot more work, once I’ve decided what to do with it. I might just leave it and Denny can tell me. For our another piece of homework, we are allowed to choose a different single colour. But it has to be a strong colour, so instructions say.

Working in one colour really allows you to think about light and tones. Penny has told me not to do any more to the pear. At least she recognised it for what it was. The grapes need a stalk, the ones on the jug.
I prepped my supper and then went off to watch G play U16 hockey. Although his team won by some margin 5-2, the match appeared closer. He made some good saves.
A lady, the same age as myself, who was quick to tell me she was neatly 75, struck up a (non-stop) conversation. She was totally local, having been born in Henley. And had played hockey herself for Wallingford in her youth. Her grandson was called Jake I think. Like me, she remembers hockey on grass where the movement of the ball was fairly unpredictable. And we both played on grass – no mouthguards and games started with a bully off.
It was very cold watching hockey, but I stuck it out until the rain began and then it was persistent for the duration of the day.
And then I returned to sit around and eat supper and I’m not sure what else. Apart from dragging myself to bed, but not before I had dozed in the chair.
Thought for the Day

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