What a Great Day

Well … what a difference a month makes! And the sun helps!

I am now back at home after the removal of my kidney stone. I am busy slopping liquid around internally after my daily additional 3 pints of water though I am still struggling to add this to my normal consumption. But I am doing my best!

It has been a really lovely day. I can’t feel the new stent (a guarded ‘yet’ there ) and am so much more comfortable internally and re needing a toilet etc. I was feeling quite worn out with the trials of the old one.

Lying down did not trouble me last night and I slept really well. Tonight may be a different story but I hope not. And calls of nature were but one! Last night anyway.

Heidi and I have been really really well looked after by both my daughters and the ILLINGWORTH family. Dave, who is away in Stockholm, made up the bed before he departed, with lavender on the pillows. Perhaps that helped me sleep.

It has been good to spend exclusive time with my two daughters- a few laughs were had. I think.

Today has been really lovely, the sun shone and Pen walked both the dogs, though H was on the extending lead due to her being prone to try to take herself home. Or find me. I found she had sneaked into the bedroom for the night- but she was utterly silent. She knew she had to remain unnoticed.
Ali was working from home, but we three managed to squeeze a lunch out at the Coppa Club. Which was very delicious.

Apparently the Swan covered terrace was flooded last week. Luckily the renovations of a few years ago were undertaken with flooding in mind. The Swan terrace is a lovely space to sit, more or less at river level. Flooding interrupts operations but reopening after is now straight forward. Needless to say, we were not on the terrace.

Heidi and Minnie received a lovely groom started by Pen. H must weigh a lot less and their bin must weigh a lot more. I’ve ordered some new grooming equipment from Amazon … Alex’s dog comb achieved great fluffy results, and H didn’t mind it, so I’ve ordered a similar one.

Our new cleaner, Sharon, was at Ali’s first and then moved on to my house. She is a bundle of fun, a nurse and does a really good job. Interestingly, she has identical twin daughters, now aged about seven I think, lovely looking girls. But they are often involved with filming with some quite famous TV people – Jessica Hynds, David Tenant, Martin Freeman, Call the Midwife. Some times they are filmed as twins but sometimes they share a single character because they are ‘interchangeable’. The local authority has to licence them for school absences, and the film company provides chaperones and teachers.

So, back to medical stuff, compared with my first kidney stone procedure where it took me over 24 hours to get over the sickness and headache of the anaesthetic, and a week to feel more ‘normal,’ this time it has been a breeze. I was chomping on toast before I left the hospital.

I have been bold enough to enrol for a full day art workshop on Saturday. Luckily there was one place left. I could not enrol earlier because of uncertainty over the kidney dates and I thought I might not be well enough. One of a series of three about using watercolour. We go back to the basics and beginning and there is some theory. I’ve found watercolour tricky because I’ve jumped in feet first. I enjoy all of Denny’s courses and I love her work. Days 2 and 3 are in November. Perhaps she can make an artist of me! She has not succeeded so far.

Sweet pea are not the words I want to hear. Then you know you are in trouble.

The dreaded Streatley lights are back under normal control for the time being. I understand the curse has now been moved to Pangbourne. However social media reported very very long delays in various directions that people experienced trying to get through Streatley yesterday late afternoon.
The two Moulsford schools (each with around 400 pupils) do not help matters at the end of the school day. Parents arrive in a tsunami in their Teslas and Range Rovers etc to pollute our air. And they stifle through-traffic, as well as accumulating at Streatley lights.

Evie is taking a year out and is waitressing at an upmarket hotel in Sidmouth. But this week the hotel has been commandeered by Bollywood for a filming location and accommodation; she is mixing with the glitterati as their servant! Perhaps she could get behind one of the cameras. Her degree course is in photography, if she ever gets there.

Q : what did you talk about (with famous film star) today?

A: the A la carte menu .

Thought for the Day






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