Windy later

My watch told me I slept for over 9 hours. Tricky to believe because there were one or five interruptions. Stent – thank you. I awoke around 05.00, as usual, but soon dozed off again after a hot drink, until around 10.00!!!

I had a disaster with my early puzzles today. Must have given Eleanor a good laugh. But I eventually got myself up and eyed up the lushly growing grass.

I knew today was probably my last opportunity to mow it for a week or two. Straining and lifting are forbidden for two weeks after my kidney procedure.

So, the mower and I trundled over the rather damp grass, gobbling up bonkers, or even conkers, and other debris that the trees are discarding. H came out to offer her help but retreated when she heard the mower. A wind was getting up by now which might have dried out the grass, had I waited.

Pen suggested it might be the last mow of the season but I doubt it. Too much warmth and rain will encourage it to keep growing.

I spent a while exploring robot mowers but this requires more time than I had.
H and I went off to Cholsey in an attempt to avoid forecast rain. (It is now 19,00 and only a few drops have landed so far.)

We met, and chatted to a lady with a familiar caramel beagle who I think we have met before. We agreed it was probably at Castle Meadows – she hails from Wallingford.

It was quite blowy out there and I was glad of my jacket. I came home and restarted Killerheat- a 2024 murder mystery set in Crete. But it was all rather pedestrian and disappointing. Apparently filmed near Elounda but I’m fairly certain that the monastery featured is one we have visited.

In fact my day has been quite pedestrian, and annoying at times. Chasing up a possible scam, or, more likely a problematic website.

I’ve been to Sweden this evening which was very enjoyable – with Paddy MGuinness and Chris Harris. My Swedish experiences included a sauna with a few old naked blokes, after which became wet in cold natural water. I’ve enjoyed the Swedish approach to health and happiness through forest gym alternative activities; I’ve had a three course meal involving seaweed. Apparently, candied, it’s really good. I’ve learnt about their population of lynx, wolves and brown bears. And I’ve stayed in a floating cabin in the middle of a lake. I also took part in a triathlon. There was even a bit of fika. The scenery was alright too. I may even have played ice hockey. There was lip service to Abba and IKEA.

I wonder where I will be off to next week? Ikaria apparently where the inhabitants are known for their longevity. Somewhere in the Aegean. Can’t wait.

Tom Dean was robbed. Toyah is useless. Clumsy and heavy footed.

Thought for the Day

Who? Me? Ashes!






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