It was a bit of an up and downer of a night. This stent is leaving me feeling generally quite worn out and I’ve had enough of the discomfort it imparts. Trouble is, I know that I will get another one next Wednesday for another two to three weeks.
This morning was too wet to make me want to go out early, especially since there was no pressing reason to do so. The moment the rain lessened, H and I were off to Cholsey ponds.
Yes, the three ponds are back. The fourth has always been there and is a permanent fixture. But three others only fill, in continuously very wet weather. H has spent chunks of the summer exploring the plant life in them and is often reluctant to exit.

Above is permanent pond of duckling fame.

Above – a shaggy ink cap maybe. But they are usually more grey.
She pottered around happily today but dragged her feet on the way back to the car.
The weather dried up during our walk and the day eventually dried up as it was supposed to. However, we are promised a return to the wet days, after a dry day tomorrow. Hopefully.
We returned home and I’m not quite sure what we did. Admin stuff mainly I think.
I was supposed to be taxiing Alex to Wallingford this evening. It meant struggling through Streatley Lights yet again, but I was not too held up today. And had a few moments chez Illis before leaving. Dave and the kids were going out to social hockey whilst Ali was out with friends. She is having very very painful neck problems at the moment.
I thought I would pop into Waitrose, but was obliged to change my mind when I found the car park was choked with traffic so I went to Lidl instead. I risked buying more nectarines. The ones I bought from Waitrose a week ago were disgusting and ended up in the bin. The ones I bought ftom the M and S shop at RBH the other day were wonderful – probably the best I have ever had in this country. There were other things I needed which were not so outlandish that Lidl actually stocked them.
Pen and co are in London at Clare’s wedding to Matthew. I think Frankie is some sort of hand maiden – she and Clare have always been close. Pen and Clare were at school and university together. Clare delivered an understated and knowing speech at Pen’s 50th in June. Something to do with T, red wine and smoking. And all the other decadence of adolescent life.
It’s funny how things turn full circle. Adrian H (a junior barrister years ago) was dragged along by T to act as bouncer at various 18th birthday parties. Now he is president of Oxford Hawkes Hockey club, which the family frequent often for training, and to which George is now attached . I remember him as a young man, very committed to his hockey. He was at T’s funeral.
Yesterday I watched the edited version of Christine’s funeral. It was a beautiful service, and I learnt she was actually just three weeks older than I am. I always enjoyed her company though our acquaintance was fairly recent (about 5/6 years) and limited to only a few occasions.
Thought for the Day

Except Clare has probably got the starter kit as it is second time around.
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