Well I had a reasonable night’s sleep apart from a headache that required a dual intervention to get rid of it. Brenda was quite poorly yesterday with a headache and nausea so maybe it was the same bug. But I slept late so did not have time to get myself up for a swim – too much going on.
RBH Urology were on the phone early, asking if I could go in on the 2nd (rather than the changed date of the 9th) . This will be a 12.30 admission as a day case. Hopefully, unless it all goes pear shaped – again. I won’t hold my breath.
Next up was taking a farewell card to go with the voucher we had bought for Loren. And then I took it up to the Illis, where she was cleaning, with new cleaner, Sharon. We said fond farewells and I hope the family settle into Morpeth successfully.
I gathered up Minnie and took the two dogs round Cholsey Meadows. We wandered round the bugger fields, but away from the ponds in an attempt to keep Minnie dry, in the rain???. And, more importantly, clean.
It was raining by now. The day had started off, gloomy and horrible, then suddenly it was all blue skies, and next it was pouring with heavy rain again. And that has been the pattern of the day. I have learnt it is all to do with the Jet Stream which is misbehaving.
But Minnie found something almost as good as a pond- she found big puddles in which she chased her tail. Then H thought she had better join in.

We wandered back across the cricket field and played some ball games. And returned home.
It was then time for me to take a urine sample into RBH. Despite the Satnav’s best efforts, I still managed to get a little bit lost because I missed a turn.
The car park was busier than I expected but I managed to squeeze myself into a space, with no little difficulty, mainly no thanks to a big yellow pillow.
I found my way to the pre-op assessment department where things went very pear shaped. I was there at around 1.00pm, and was confronted by a sizable sign explaining the department was closed between 12.00 and 3.00pm. For staff training. Pressing a bell yielded nothing and there was a steady stream of people in the time I was there who were also surprised, (and annoyed) at the unexpected closure.
It seems that the pre op department forgot to let the rest of the hospital know about their closure. Sarah, my contact in Urology, was completely unaware when I rang her wondering what to do. I was not going to wait two hours for it to open.
She valiantly tried to contact them, but failed, but eventually managed to extract a nurse from a nearby ward to let me in and drop my sample at a deserted pre-op Reception desk. I suspect she is going to file a complaint because she asked me how many people had tried to gain access.
My phone signal was not strong enough to allow me to escape the car park by paying online. But I was soon home without getting lost. The dogs were pleased to see me. I think Dave will collect Minnie so I don’t have to do battle with Streatley lights. Again.
Chris sent a weather link which explains the current showery weather and what is to come. There is no relief in sight. And it’s going to be cold too. The weekend might be drier on Saturday.

Thought for the Day

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