Difficult Day

The weather has been dreadful again, although there was a dry and almost sunny break in the middle of the day, the rest of the day has been unreasonably wet.

After a patchy night, I set off for a swim at Didcot, only to have to turn back near Blewbury due to the road being closed because of flooding. This road regularly floods but all last winter it managed to remain open.

I sneaked into Didcot by way of Wallingford. The traffic was very heavy and it was go to school time. In fact the drive there was a bit of a horror trip.

The 800m I swam were fairly decent and the pool was quiet.

Back at home I had a bit of a doze and then took advantage of the break in the weather to walk H at Cholsey. And that was very pleasant with only a few other people about.

A short sit down followed and then I was off to Newbury which was an unmitigated disaster. The rain was heavy with spray all over the place. The light was almost dark and visibility was limited. I had not lost weight but at least I went. The former was of no surprise after all the yummy birthday cakes, meals out and very little swimming. Nevertheless I am annoyed.

H does not want to go and do a wee – but I will see she does- before bedtime. But the silly dog keeps asking to go out and then wants to come straight back in again. Exasperating!

And that describes the day – exasperating.

Thought for the Day

Once upon a time

That was a while ago …

Easter 2019






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