It has been a very very frustrating horrid day.
The rain was horrendous overnight, my garden furniture is soaked, luckily I brought the cushions in a few days ago but the protective cover can’t work with this volume of water that has been cascading from the skies throughout most of the day. It forms pools in the covers which I have to tip out.
I set off for Wallingford around 08.40 in the hope of getting my tyres sorted out. But when I arrived there, it was raining very heavily and floodwater was rising at the entrance to the tyre workshop, so there was no way to get into it without paddling. In any case they were not taking on any work having already turned someone else away.
The drives there and back were very hazardous and a complete waste of time. The roads were more like rivers and most of the local cars seemed to be on the move. Too wet to walk to school I suspect.
Feeling forlorn, I returned home. I knew I would be stuck there all day and not able to take up plan B which was to swim in the afternoon.
Ali suggested Dave might be able to take the car to the filling station to do the tyres there. He had gone there the other day with her car. But he was very busy and, bless him, finally arrived at around 21.00. So possibly a swim tomorrow morning. It’s over a week since I have swim.
I am very grateful to Dave for coming out so Iate and in yet more heavy rain. Hopefully he has had success, otherwise, I will have another visit to the tyre place in Wallingford tomorrow morning.
Last time I tried to inflate the tyres myself, I made an utter mess of it and succeeded in deflating them. I used to be able to use the older filling station tyre machines where you could read the pressure on a handheld inflated but I can’t even read some of these newer machines from behind the car.
I have been stuck in the house for most of the day. H and I managed a short walk in a little interval in the rain, during the late morning. But we both got wet, because, by interval I do not mean dry. But an interval in the heaviness of the rain. H was not impressed but it was better than nothing.
Today has reminded me of that last day of term in July 2007, when there was a horrendous ‘lump’ of rain, as one weather forecaster described it. There was devastating flooding. Newbury station. became a swimming pool , Thatcham was seriously flooded, and as for Tewksbury- it became an island.
The rain prevented any sensible further outdoor outing and the tyre warning light had a similar effect.
So a horrid day. Newbury tomorrow and I will be thinking of Terry. It is Christine’s funeral. I will watch that later.
Thought for the Day

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