Lunch Out

I had a great night’s sleep, waking briefly at around 05.00, then falling asleep again until some embarrassingly late time.

This meant I had to waste no more time in getting myself and Heidi up and out and in our way to Southrop, and its pub called the Swan where I was to meet Anne for lunch.

It was another really horrid day preceded by heavy rain overnight. Oh boy, I’m glad I mowed the grass last week.

I managed to give H a quick run at Streatley Rec on the way.

The drive to Southrop was annoying because my tyre pressure warning light came on again. I’m absolutely hopeless at using the tyre machines at garages so it will mean a trip to see my little man in Wallingford. It also means I won’t be able to swim early tomorrow, though I might get an afternoon swim in.
The rain was on and off, heavy at times.

Lunch was excellent – Anne had seen to it that we had a larger table as opposed to the silly, small bar tables we have experienced in the past. We were under no pressure from the two hour booking slot either. Chat took up a while, but by nearly 16.00, it was already looking very dark and gloomy outside. So it was time to depart.

I was hoping the tyre warning light was caused by a drop in pressure and nothing more, but it allowed me to get home safely, but this not by any sort of straight forward route. Certainly not the way I arrived, but via mystical, unknown villages and locations and via roads barely fit for a vehicle. I ignored the Satnav, deeming it to have been afflicted by some curious malady and headed for Faringdon. And there we joined the old familiar route.

Thought for the Day






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