Warm and Sunny

I slept better last night- thank goodness. Far from perfect, but better.

There was a loo paper thief in the night. The roll had disappeared. I hunted in the bathroom looking for a new roll, completely missing the cupboard containing several. I stumbled downstairs into the loo there. Again, I completely missed the spare supply because I looked in the wrong place. So I took the half roll, I found, up to my bedroom where I guarded it zealously, protecting it from potential thieves.

And then, when I visited the upstairs loo in the morning, I realised someone had caused a new roll to apperate. I therefore returned my closely guarded personal half roll to its rightful place downstairs.

Then I confessed to my stupidity.

Upon my suggestion, Pen, H and I went to Exmouth beach. I knew the tide would be way out. And it was. It was absolutely glorious out there. The very very high tide had washed away all the soft sand almost up to the promenade wall. I’ve not seen this before at Exmouth. So now, there was a pristine surface of hard sand to enjoy and walk over. Various hollows had gathered pool of salt water.

H had a wonderful time, paddling in some quite deep water, running with other dogs and snuffling among rocks. The beach had quite a collection of dogs and their people enjoying the day on the Jurassic Coast.

Dave joined us for lunch at Greendale where they were having a chip crisis. And something of a fish crisis too as most fish was off. The chip machine had broken down. Not that I was planning to have fish and chips anyway. My homity pie tasted very good.
Greendale was very busy, and we were seated in a rather hot spot, outside but under cover. It was not particularly shady and we had to rescue Pen from the heat by returning home.

Once back at the house, I gathered my possessions and, sadly, parted company. Had the plasterers not been plastering, I might have actually stepped into the swimming pool. What a strange two days… but lovely ones.

The journey home along the A303 was straight forward. Not quite as good as the journey out but pretty good all the same.

Once home, I scurried around unpacking my bag and my treats and took a shower to remove the stickiness of travel. And relaxed.

Pen had had a flash of inspiration as to what might have been the source of H’s discomfort and strange behaviour of yesterday.

I’ve had a lovely extended birthday celebration and thanks to everyone involved, from the first birthday text to the last supper!

Thought for the Day






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