I had another reasonable sleep so awoke with more energy than of recent weeks. The sky was blue although the air was chilly again.
I was soon showered and out with little H. I had F to pick up at 10.00 so expediency made Lardon Chase our destination.
It was a perfect morning out there- only a smattering of other walkers, no cattle, warm sunshine with a cool breeze to remove any excess heat. Visibility was way out towards Greenham, the noises of golf players lingered behind me – the thwack of the ball, the ring of the bell and muted conversations. High above, the squeal of red kites could be heard, along with the groan of the odd vehicle as it scrambled up Streatley Hill.
Contrails criss crossed the blue of the skies, some fading and spreading, some etched more sharply, witnesses to people on the move. As I sat there… I reminded myself there are worse places to commit yourself to eternity.

Having dropped F at Hithercroft , I returned home for a few chores, before returning there myself to spend a couple of hours watching hockey.
But first I paid a trip to Savages for some items for lunch tomorrow. A wonderful display of fruit and veg almost tempted me to buy things I did not need, due to my Devon trip. The Blewbury Bakery is another notable discovery. It has a poo up shed with delicacies on offer at the end of every week.
My chores included airing and sitting on the
Garden furniture enjoying the shed patio, whilst Andrew, next door, got on with the jobs that Tracey was directing him to do. Mostly banging with a hammer sort of jobs to do with their new fence. I realised I need to return our garden table to its winter position. A job for the troops.
F’s game was exciting though I had to be on my toes because her position kept changing. There was less to watch of George’s contribution because he had less to do, being a goal keeper. They both played well and I sat in the sun as they got on with their roles.
I returned late afternoon for an early supper to watch the rather boring launch show for Strictly Come Dancing. It must be autumn. Saturday evening provides less than exciting live TV. Stupid game shows etc.
Thought for the Day.

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