The night started well until I awoke in the early hours and there followed a short interval of wakefulness and then another sleepy period.
Daylight, which is now after 06.00, revealed more gloom and a damp mist was busy settling on everything. This was later exchanged for a sharp and chilly wind which necessitated sleeves in a later dog walk.
The swimming pool water felt chilly when I arrived. But today I ploughed up and down for 800m. Various familiar faces joined in with my swim, including the extremely annoying and slow, lady in blue. She smiles at you just as she pushes off in front of you, not just me, everyone gets the same treatment. I can’t even be bothered to wait and see if she will give way any more, if I’m to turn at the same time I just go first.
I came home for a bit and had a chat with Heidi about where we should go for a walk. The chat was a bit one sided but she did not disagree when I suggested Pangbourne.
On the way, once we had battled through the queue at Streatley lights, we called in at the Illis to drop off some appletini stewed apple . It’s nice but a bit gritty because I whizzed it to reduce the cores but not enough whizzing I think. Dave was a bit pushed to get Minnie out due to having to be elsewhere shortly. So she came with us.
H must have given her the evil eye in the car, because poor old Minnie had a bit of an initial tremble but that soon went. The girls had an amazing run around by the river. Minnie wheeled in ever increasing circles for large distances. And H thought she had better give it a go too. Maybe it was the wind, but they expended a lot of energy.

And a lot of poo. 4 bags of the stuff! It was heavy too. I came upon two piles in one places and so did the charitable thing, picking up after someone else’s dog. Halo soon.
Having returned Minnie I was soon home to relax and contemplate various garden chores. And that was where things stopped. In contemplation. I managed to eat more of the salmon pate along with a few mushrooms and green beans.And yes it was a slightly odd combination but it did the job.
The afternoon disappeared into the evening. I did carry out a few admin jobs. Various renewals are beginning to drop through the door now that we are approaching our fourth anniversary of living here. Eg House insurance- T’s name needs removing. But the electoral register has already done that for me. Probably part of the ‘Tell us once’ set up.
I finally got to the end of Series 3 of the Tower. Very good. I will need something to take its place.
I’m hoping to make that trip to Devon at the start of next week.
Thought for the Day

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