Today, I was much more active. I bit the bullet and took an early swim. I swam for half my usual distance and felt no noticeable after effects. I took it easy, breaststroke all the way, instead of the usual contribution from front crawl.
But I managed to not need the loo while swimming and returned home feeling better for the effort.
H and I had a few minutes to discuss my efforts and for her to congratulate me, before setting off to pick up G. That led to a very exciting moment – driving up Streatley Hill for the first time in several weeks. I picked him up and dropped him again at Cholsey haircutters whilst I whisked H off for a short walk at their Rec. G was soon done and we were back home.
G became a voluntary captive until he had mown my grass. He has an interesting way with the mower which differs from mine. I just go round and round chasing the perimeter in ever decreasing rough rectangle like shapes . G does lines but because there is not enough space to turn round at the end of the line, he picks up the mower and carries it into position for the opposite direction.
However, my gratitude is boundless and it didn’t take him long. Me? I sat and admired his prowess. And he also dragged the garden waste bin kerbside ready for collection tomorrow.
I returned him home – back to school for him tomorrow. F was back today.
I relaxed for an hour or so and then set off for my double dental appointment. I have worked hard at brushing and cleaning between my teeth and don’t have to go back for 6 months. Just need to keep it all up.
Then back home again for another hour or so to keep H company for a while before leaving for Slimmers World innNewbury.
Burt succeeded in ambushing me as I arrived back. And gave me some garbage about how he had knocked a few days ago to check whether I had ‘kiddies’ camping in the garden. (obviously / apparently I had not replied) Where on earth does he get this utter utter rubbish from? He wanted to make sure I was not being robbed. MYOB! (Tracey had some similar nonsense a while ago about her black cat trying to climb through his window).
This trip to Newbury was going to cause even more excitement because I would be able to get there via the direct route, up and over Streatley Hill.
Disappointment akin to panic set in, when I found myself at the back end of a very very long traffic jam a mile or so from Streatley Hill. And I did not want to be late. Usually, a jam like this indicates closure of the A34.
But, even so, I turned round and headed north (opposite direction) through Blewbury and Upton to the Wantage A34 access slip. Apple Maps did not indicate any hold ups so we then headed south in very slow moving, heavy traffic.
And I even got to SW on time where I had lost 5lbs. Over2 weeks. General anaesthetic is good for the diet, if nothing else apart from oblivion followed by extreme nausea and a mega headache. . Brenda and I chatted, then suffered the total tedium of everyone’s life history as they lost 1/2 lb, or more. I won’t be staying next week. I only do it to be polite.
I did arrive home via Streatley Hill which was a blessing. The whole traffic light area is an utter mess of red barriers and deep holes and heavy plant items. But the work was on a hard stop to get the Hill opened in time to allow access to the primary school.
Last year they closed the whole road between Wallingford and Pangbourne for 6 weeks and then for another week or so whilst they repaired the road surface in and around the traffic lights. What a waste of money, it’s an utter mess again.
I had a bit of a feast when I arrived home. And I gave H one too. Celebrity Race across the World is not really doing it for me this time – I don’t find the celebrities particularly engaging.
Thought for the Day
I haven’t got time to find one.
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