Yes, today is International Dog Day so little H got extra cuddles and kisses and a treat or two. The idea is to draw attention to dogs who need rehoming.
It has been a pleasant day – warmish, dullish, nothing specialish about it. It started around 05.00, as usual. With a hot drink. Then I may have thought about dozing but decided to go swimming instead.
The pool had no familiar faces this morning. But it is a Bank Holiday so I suppose the regulars are having a lie in. But then the slow laners were asked to evacuate the slow lane so swimming lessons could take place. Ha! About twenty swimmers were crammed into four narrow lanes, whilst the other half of the pool, the circular area and slow lane, was occupied by three toddlers and their teacher.
I couldn’t quite see the sense in that.
I returned home to exercise H and carry out a few chores.
We went down Cholsey Ferry Lane and wokked by the river for a bit. I haven’t been there since the winter flooding, and it always was uneven underfoot and that has not changed.
But it was pleasant enough and H had her run around. Then it was time for a bit of downtime. Which is what I had.
Alex had rescued Evie and friends from Reading Festival and Pen dropped them at Didcot to get the train home to Exeter. And then she called in on me and we had a good chat. Mostly about tomorrow and our arrangements to spend time together. Including a visit to the Crooked Billet at Stoke Row.
Heidi was very pleased to see her- it could have been International Penny Day.
My evening was later disturbed by a visit from Ali and George. Ali has spent the weekend declutterring and has returned a craft table borrowed at the time of our move. This is part of transforming T’s study into my craft room.
George has brought round some boxes of carefully selected and outgrown toys that are passing into family heirloom status via our loft. This includes his collection of knights and also his Millennium Falcon. Those knights, I remember well because they travelled with him and afforded endless hours of engagement. A similar collection.

Today’s garden produce

Apparently the roadworks up the Coombe are causing people to be barricaded into their drives and unable to get their cars out. Though Ali did say the workers did move barriers etc. But they could not use their drive to load their car with their declutterred items. I am not allowed to go there!
This is not part of the gas works but is to do with some alternative to the fast fibre which they already have. The pavements are being dug up yet again, having been relaid not very long ago because they were in such a mess. This work was not forewarned. I can’t see how it is necessary.
Thought for the Day
Since it’s International Dog Day

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