
Today was just that, full of wind. I slept until around 05.00 and dealt with my need for a hot drink and fell asleep again soon after.

But then, the day beckoned and H and I wandered around the big field at Cholsey Meadows.

Outside, it was cloudy / sunny and definitely windy. There were a few dog walkers around, and a few stinging nettles to annoy me. But the walk was enjoyable.

I returned home to deal with a few chores including the removal of the, now chipped, shellac off my nails. This is required before my ( hopefully minor) procedure on Thursday. So I wrapped them in acetone soaked cotton pads, and then foil and waited 15 minutes, as instructed by the internet. And Lo… my nails are now back to their natural state.

I then settled for some food and a snooze. Yesterday’s delicious sour dough baguette lasted well into today.

Not much else happened unless you count my snooze.

Oh but I forgot that spent a chunk of the morning gathering rubbish and preparing T’s study for the table that Ali and Dave did not bring round. But will bring round tomorrow.

I also discovered the knack of removing the doorbell battery, after weeks of finding it tricky. Press the pin up, pull, take the pin away and … there you go. My mistake was to leave the pin in place.

And later, there was the Sound of Music. I only caught the end of it. But it brought back memories of seeing it live on Stage in London following an Andrew Lloyd Webber talent hunt for a Maria. And she was a very good Maria.
And, in the film, Christopher Plummer did not look remotely drunk for the last rendition of Edelweiss though he was hanging on to Julie Andrews. He apparently hated making thé film and was difficult to work with. And usually drunk. Good film though. I think Alex maxed it out when she was young.

Thought for the Day






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