
The weather recovered from its bad mood of wind and rain yesterday and was sunny and windy today.
I also spent much of the day recovering from the stresses that yesterday involved. Nothing much was on the horizon for today, apart from the presence of the lovely Loren and a meal out at the Beetle and Wedge with the Byngs.

I had a bit of a patchy night but I slept in until nearly 07.00 and felt quite groggy when I woke up. I had to sort of wind myself up to get myself going.

And Loren was on the doorstep before I knew it. Sadly, she will only be here one more time before she moves oop north to Morpeth. But she has friends who will take over. Hopefully. I will miss her- she is a really good cleaner.

Following Loren’s efforts, I made it out with H to Castle Meadows. Pangbourne is too cluttered with children at the moment, unless I go very early in the day. But I parked the car before the treacherous craters and H and I had a gentle wander round the meadows. The weather was just so pleasant, warm with the sun, kissed by the breeze. Sadly, the cattle were out and about again.
On my way to the car, I forgot my front door and car keys, so had to use the key safe to access the house again. It was at this point that I discovered W and B were having a trench dug across the shared alleyway which involved wet cement. H has now added her paw prints to this.

At Castle Meadows – a casualty:

We returned home. On the way, I tried to buy myself a cake from the Oxshed. But the Oxshed was busy and parking was all taken. I did not want to leave H in the hot car whilst I trekked to the cafe. So I sacrificed all thought of cake.

It was at this point that Wendy thought to tell me what they had been up to in the alleyway.

By this time, I was ready for a snooze so grabbed the reclining garden furniture and plonked myself down. But all hope of sleep had vanished so I watered the plants instead and picked up the fallen beans, yet again .

A little more relaxation followed and then I prepared myself for my trip out to the B and W courtesy of Michael and Margaret who had John with them.

We enjoyed a very lovely meal – the cod was delicious and as for the clementine cheesecake… M and M picked me up – that was not part of the plan, and I was just about to leave anyway. There is nothing like sitting in a high end car with cream leather seats .

It was nice to see John again, I have not seen him since we moved. Michael says he never agrees to go out these days, so it was good he agreed to party on this occasion.

Today, I was very sad to hear of the death of Christine – married to a cousin of Eleanor and Chris. I had met her a few times – over a holiday at Grammeno and on a couple of earlier occasions when she brought some items out to BV for us to take to Crete. I remember her for her sense of humour and blue hair, which she had the first time I met her. How I wanted to be so daring. But she had been poorly for a while . Recently she was in St Peter’s hospital, Chertsey where both Pen and Ali were born .

Tonight I shall connect myself up to the sleep apnoea equipment. Sounds important, but it is a watch sized item. It looks like this:


Thought for the Day






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