We had a damp start following a decent night with a short sleepless patch in the middle. I booked a swim and set off around 07.30.
The pool , my lane was busy at the start with a very slow procession of floaters who were not going to give way. However by around half way things had changed and a normal sort of service resumed.
On the way home, the sun came out and remained out for most of the rest of the day. So, the views on the way home were far reaching and stunning.
The I had time to do a few chores before Debs arrived to give my toes a work out.
And my toes feel a lot better for the work out and my feet are nicely massaged. And we had a good chat. Her son, Fergus, like Fleur is awaiting GCSE results. The two of them both have September birthdays and have known each other since the first of them.
I believe Evie and friends are chez the Illis, this evening, before attending Reading festival which must be this weekend.Well there are warning notices plastered all over Moulsford showing the route to travel.
After Debs’ departure, H and I went for a wander around our old routes round Cholsey Meadows. It was not hot, breezy and warm. Machines had trimmed some of the walkways and we wandered between long grassy areas. This was the signal for Heidi to go exploring and disappear for a while. But, true to form, she reappeared and was rewarded with being attached to the lead for a bit. We sat near the pond and watched creatures skating across the water and playing underneath the surface. No ducklings today.
Home again, where I had got some art materials out and I did a little painting. Not particularly liking the way the work of art was progressing,I left it to be followed up later and ate late lunch instead.
And fell asleep for a short while waking up at 18.00.
Earlier in the day, I had received a text asking me to go to RBH (Royal Berks Hospital) for a pre-op assessment on Thursday morning. This Thursday. The day after tomorrow, at 09.15. Inconvenient but not to be ignored. This would mean I would have the kidney stone procedure within a month.
The Preop appointment is just around the time that Fleur will get her GCSE results.
However, while Debs was here, a lady from urology rang to ask me if I was free for the procedure on the afternoon of 29/8. In just over a week’s time. On DCR’s birthday. It involves a general anaesthetic so I am very excited. Not. And 24 hour supervision. And lifts to and from the hospital. And discomfort and oblivion.
So not a great day but it has clarified things. I was warned they might need two goes at the stone. For those of you who do not know, RBH is in the middle of Reading somewhere and car parking is notoriously difficult. It is an old hospital which is one of the ones that Boris was supposed to be replacing. The thought of going there stresses me out!
I gathered a few of my own tomatoes today, the ones Minnie kindly did not eat. And my appetini Apple tree is bent double with bite sized apples. Ones that Neal and Anne thought were plums, and later described them as radishes. I really was not sure what to with them and so I baked them in the oven and they taste really good.

Thought for the Day

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