
I slept reasonably . And anticipated a swim. And then I got past the anticipation bit and arose. I invited H out for a stroll up Underhill and then cruelly imprisoned her in the house while I went out.

The pool was very pleasant and fairly quiet with a few familiar faces. I ploughed my monotonous way up and down until my 1000 metres were done. Then it was off to Root One for the monthly swimmers’ meeting.
I must say, Root One do the best breakfast ever. Although I harbour good memories of a Greendale Breakfast. Today, I chose the vegetarian option – it came with a pile of freshly cooked mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, eggs, baked beans and a hash brown. And toast. All piping hot.

I am beginning to feel more part of the group now – nice people. Anne said she was going to invite the lady I rather like, with the dry sense of humour and teacher children.

Being at the garden centre, allowed me to buy some new violas to replace the ones I planted last spring which were absolutely stunning but are now way past their best. I’m hoping the new collection will provide autumn and maybe winter colour.

I returned home to walk the dogs. I had worked out the obvious: that it would not be a good idea to put May in the car with H without some introductory work. Especially since H has not been exactly over friendly with May. So I thought I would give them some garden time.

However, in the end, it did not happen because B and W had visitors who had brought a dog with them. So we agreed to leave it for another time.

So H and I wandered by the river at Pangbourne where far too many children were off their leads. One particularly charming little baby was crawling his way across the grass towards H from about 30 metres away. ( My thoughts were about all the places on the grass where dogs might have peed or pooed) . His mother arrived by the crawler’s side as he kept pointing at H and waving at us. But he changed his mind and retreated into his mother’s arms.

When I arrived home, I sat down for a bit, which of course had the obvious result. Things domestic were fairly organised today – probably as a result of yesterday’s visitors.

I’m not sure where the rest of the day went. It was not a pleasant day- such a contrast to yesterday. It was dull, overcast and cool. I even felt cold at one point and H did not find outside inviting.

It is now 20.10, and nearly dark. It was supposed to rain but did not before I was in bed. Autumn has arrived. There is supposed to be a specula moon but cloud cover has put paid to that.

Thought for the Day

A woman, frustrated because her husband was late coming home from golf yet again, decided to leave a note that read, “I’ve had enough. I’m leaving you. Don’t try to find me.”

She then hid under the bed to watch his reaction.

Soon after, her husband came home. She could hear him in the kitchen before he made his way into the bedroom.

She watched as he walked over to the dresser, picked up the note, and read it.

After a moment, he scribbled something on the note, then picked up the phone and called someone.

“She’s finally gone. Yeah, it’s about time. I’m on my way. Wear that sexy French nightie. I love you. Can’t wait to see you. We’ll do all the naughty things you like.” He hung up, grabbed his keys, and left.

As she heard the car drive away, she crawled out from under the bed, furious and heartbroken. With trembling hands, she picked up the note to see what he had written.

“I can see your feet. We’re out of bread; be back in five minutes.”

Hope this tale brings a smile to your face! Have a great day!






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