I had a good sleep but awoke at the usual 05.00ish. The dogs were quite peaceful so I busied myself with the dishwasher and other chores ready for our visitors later.
The dogs and I departed for Pangbourne which was litter free .
Fishermen were out in force, occupying every spare bit of access to the river. Some had clearly been there for quite a while. They were surrounding themselves with debris and various bits of equipment.
H was scouting the fishermen and the benches for crumbs and sustenance. M was doing the same with the fishermen.
The meadows were pleasant and quiet apart from the not so considerate fisherman who forgot to bring his earpieces. And was providing a musical repertoire that was not to be missed .
I noticed yet another log has bitten the dust. Literally . Despite the fact that it was huge, it was quietly rotting away in the middle of the meadow, quietly minding its own business. Not any more. It has been removed and all that remains is a length of damaged grass, outlining its position.
I returned home to continue my preparations for Neal and Anne’s visit for lunch. That involved watering, hoovering, wooing the outside table, shifting plant pots, assembling the boureki ingredients, prepping the salmon and making a salad. Amongst other things. I had prepped our dessert the day before.
I was ready in time, with a few minutes for a short sit down. It was very pleasant outside, not too hot and I was hopeful that was where we would be able to eat.
I have to congratulate myself on an excellent lunch which was downed by us all. Pud was the Turkish frozen fruit pudding … not bad. Not bad at all. But then it’s a bit tricky to mess that up.
It was around 5.00om when Neal and Anne left. The weather had remained glorious, but not too hot, and we had been out in the garden all afternoon. It had not taken Anne long to spot Minnie on the grass chewing one of my few, ripe cherry tomatoes. So, not only is she a cucumber thief, she is also a tomato one. And she enjoyed an apple that she found by the river this morning. Hmmm…
I may have had a little snooze, but awoke in time to say goodbye to Minnie around 19.00, whom G and D popped by to gather up and take home. Very helpful, given all the shenanigans with Streatley Hill.
I have been neighbourly and offered to walk B and W’s little dog, May when needed. Wendy is suffering with leg pain atm. However, I had not properly thought through taking her in the car with H who does not really know her. I will have to think around that one.
I have a rendezvous with Anne W next week Saturday and possibly with the swimming pool in the morning.
Thought for the Day

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