I slept very nicely until 00.30. It was then that I was awaken by flashing lights and various voices. That was the end of the power cut. So all the lights etc came on. I switched them all off and returned to sleep.
I was up around 05.00. Today was not a swim day so I enjoyed a bit of a lie in. And contemplated where to walk H. We were late leaving, mainly because I may have fallen asleep again. There was no hurry in any case.
H and I walked by the river at Lower Basildon. There, the fields had been mown and the hay was baled up. H was delighted to paddle. Well… I think she was. She got herself wet anyway. Then she proceeded to dig up a mole hill so by now was wet and muddy. She rounded it all off with a luxurious roll in the tufts grass. And by now was wet and muddy and covered in bits of grass and possibly in whatever had attracted her to roll. There was no smell . Phew.
Below – the little beach area.

I took her home past the chaos at Streatley traffic lights. What a mess. It seems that the information regarding the closure of Streatley indicating traffic control 3 way traffic lights was a tad misleading. And quite irrelevant.
Because the traffic control up Streatley Hill was Nada, nil. A no go area not even access for residents.
The three way traffic control referred to –
1. From Pangbourne.
2. From Wallingford
3. From Streatley High Street
No access to Streatley Hill.
We arrived home and I prepped myself for my hair appointment with Lee, since Ashleigh has defected elsewhere. I shall miss her.
I allowed plenty of time to negotiate Streatley High street to get to my hair appointment. That was very relaxing.
Back home and a little time in the garden – ignoring the grass- I’ll do it tomorrow. It can’t possibly rain. Can it? Because that would allow for further procrastination.
i had various phone calls with the girls during the day now I have apprised them re the kidney stone.
But best of all-Evie received her ‘A’ level results which provided her with what she needed including an A in photography. But she had already deferred her university place (at Cardiff) for a year. So well done to Evie.
Fleur next week GCSEs.
The weekend is complicated – an Art course tomorrow and old friends visiting on Sunday and both dogs from today. Just working out how to get Minnie here.
Thought for the Day

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