And quite a few Last Straws …
Well that makes a change after recent hot and dry weeks.
But, hey, I had a really good night’s sleep and was awake around the usual 05.00. It had clearly rained over night as the outdoor furniture covers were weighed down by puddles.
It wasn’t long before it started to rain again and it carried on for most of the morning. Not dog walking weather.
In the meantime, I decided to go swimming. The slow lane was slow. Very very slow. Ladies in a floating, bobbing procession. Well mostly ladies.
I needed relief so moved into the middle lane which worked well for about 25 lengths and then things went pear shaped. Very pear shaped. Because Life Guard training was about to take place. So all swimmers were shooed out of the two fast lanes which had a knock on effect on the other lanes.
The medium lane was no longer suitable for me and I shifted back to the slow lane, which was no longer populated by floating snails.
I returned home in pouring rain. H flatly refused to go outside ( unless you count 3 paces and a sniff) so I busied myself with domestic activities. I even carried out one or two with my eyes wide shut.
The sun eventually poked its face through the clouds, and at that point, I whisked H away for a walk at Castle Meadows. Bad mistake. I have not been for a while and the approach lane with its ever deeper craters, is even more treacherous, and it has the added obstacle of half a tree fallen across it. The cows were wandering around, extruding their poo every so often. We set off where the cows were not and so avoided them for the walk. But cows / cattle were to feature later in my day. Hang on to that.

I popped into Lidl on the way home for some fruit and other essentials such as potatoes, which was mainly to save time because I am looking at a busy weekend. This shopping included frozen fruit berries. Hang onto that point too.
It continued to rain, on and off all day.
Around 16.00 I set off for slimming world in Newbury where I met up with Brenda. I was rather shocked to discover Streatley High Street was open at last, but Streatley Hill was completely shut off. Where are the promised three way traffic lights? No visiting the Illingworths .
This meant adjusting my route to Newbury. So I chose the A4 and Aldermaston. And then via Greenham Common and Bury’s Bank Road. And did I mention cows earlier? Well some of the same bovines were wandering along Bury’s Bank road between the two cattle grids where it is unfenced.
They were oblivious to traffic because they had discovered where the grass is greener… and that was not on the Common, but along the road.
I eventually crawled my way past these serious poo machines and made my round Hobby Craft and thence to the Rugby Club to Slimming World. I was pleased with my modest loss but Brenda did somewhat better.
I returned home clutching a Chinese take away via the A34 and the norther Wantage exit thanks to the nonsense at Streatley Hill.
I ate my Chinese and settled down to watch Amdrew Flintoff’s Field of Dreams before Celebrity Race across the World. Please note I only said settled down to watch.
That is because I never got to the end if Field of Dreams thanks to a power cut. We might get reconnected by 02.30. Now did I mention buying frozen fruit? Well it’s in the freezer… with masses of other stuff that likes to stay frozen. Let us hope we are reconnected soon.
H was confused and I couldn’t find her but she was lurking in the garden.
I may have forgotten to mention. That the closures in Streatley have been due to ‘emergency’ gas repairs. They are having a laugh after the weeks and weeks of closure last year. Should read closed ‘ due to our incompetence and ineptitude’ when carrying out repairs last year.
How many times has Streatley Hill been closed over the last few years? Too many to count. For long periods of time involving lengthy diversions.
So gas and electric companies have so far caused problems today. And I forgot to mention Thames Water, who are back digging up the road outside my house today, without warning, presumably having cocked up and failed to do the job properly last week. And poor old Eddy had no water when he woke up this morning.
None of the Utilities seem to be providing the service I am paying for.
And then, I had Burt wandering around earlier in the day saying the council were coming. And not put the bins out because they are being emptied on Friday. This is because it was a Bank Holiday last Monday. Really?
And why are the council coming? I asked. He muttered something to with his mobility scooter and a step. Is this really to do with the council I wondered. He needs Jemima – our lovely OT.
More worrying, Anthony is not at all well, not sleeping, awake all night and very confused. Marie is exhausted and needs help. Anthony relies on her completely and her sister is recovering from a heart attack so can’t help and has to deal with their autistic brother anyway. Professional help or respite.
So all in all an interesting day. Full of last straws.

it seems not all Moulsford is without power. For example Cranford School and houses round there are OK. The power returned about 00.30.
Lights flashed on and so did the TV, waking me up. I had turned it off… only I hadn’t because it needed power to switch off.
Thought for the Day

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