A reasonable night where I slept better once the early hours had passed, than I slept before midnight. I shall be glad to get swimming again. Maybe the extra exercise will help.
The walk was magic this morning. It was sunny and bright, not too hot around 08.00 and with a pleasant breeze. Lots of people were out with their dogs, and as the morning crept on, more children were added to the mix. I had chats with various people including the owners of a beautiful one year old retriever. The human male with them, of a certain age, joined me on my bench and explained he was getting over knee surgery so we could compare experiences. His (absent) son was a lung surgeon which added yet more spice to the mix.
I did not really want to leave, it was so pleasant. I should have taken a book and a picnic. The dogs, at that point, were exercised and happy to sit or paddle. Or interfere with passing groups.
We returned home to sit awhile in the garden whilst I contemplated making stuffed peppers or tomatoes. My style stuffed.

Lids went on them. The rice is American long grain mixed with red Camargue and wild rice. The latter two types require longer to cook than the white rice. But I sort of work around that. They have a tighter bite and a nutty flavour.
So that left me with tiropita to make .
In the meantime, I had a pile of salad and some fish .
I managed to stay awake doing nothing much because it was so very very hot. The dogs were flaked out, Minnie with me and H who gave up on the great outdoors, in the bedroom.
Once the Illis had landed back at Heathrow, I took the stuffed veg and tiropita and Minnie to their house. I noted Freddy had toyed with his food since yesterday.
I felt very sad leaving Minnie on her own. She looked uncertain. I normally return her when her family are back. I think H will miss her company. I will. She is a lovely dog. We had met two or three other Minnies over the last two weeks but none as large as this one. I will take her for that Greenham pond walk once the heat passes.
I returned home to take the hose round the garden, taking care to keep the water under control because my Lee neighbours seemed to be entertaining. Hot as it was, I didn’t want to give anyone an inadvertent shower. Their party grew louder as the evening wore on but I drifted off, undisturbed, only to be awoken by loud silence.
Time for bed.
Thought for the Day

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