It was another slightly disturbed night and Netflix’s ‘Wicked Little Letters’ helped me through it. Such language! My ears were red, but Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley seemed to be really enjoying it. The filming of it must have been fun.
The dogs and I were off and out before 08.00. I think. It was cloudy and breezy and there were lots of people out with their dogs.
It was forecast to be hot but it only became warm, There was a fair amount of litter, once more, and a young man spent the hour that we were out ‘walking,’ gathering it all up. The litter was not great in volume but it was well scattered.
The cat boat is still there and an owner was rescuing his cat from an other interested doggy. Another resident was trying to shut a wailing child up. H has found something irresistible to roll in by the cat boat. She has thrilled herself there, same spot, for each of the last three days. Another dog walker suggested cat poo. Quite likely I suppose.
It was while I was out there, on the Meadows, that I read of Kathryn’s death (2nd cousin Katy – our grandmothers were sisters). I am so glad I visited her, after an interval of 40 years, when I was up in Leeds a few weeks ago. She had been fighting liver cancer over the last two years and had been in and out of hospital. She was a brave and very popular lady. (170 moving tributes on Fb). I don’t think I know 170 people.
We returned home where I started to relax until the lovely Loren appeared on our door step. I will really miss her when she moves – that is looking like mid-September. However she has replacements lined up for us.
Minnie leaves an incredible amount of hair on the floor. I had already battled with it earlier in the week, but I left Loren to contend with today’s battle.
I went up to the Illis with the dogs, whilst Loren cleaned up my mess, who I kept outside. I was weighed down by the 4L of milk the Illis had requested. This is now in the pantry fridge. We watered the plants and sat around for a while to keep out of Loren’s way. I eyed up their weeds (and there are many) but I would have teetered on the slope and would have trampled everything if I attempted to deal with them. My excuse!
And then I returned home for brunch and a snooze.
Earlier in the day, I had watered my own plants and picked up the beans yet again. My pots need a bit of a sort out – some flowering plants are getting past it ( lobelia) but thank goodness for geraniums.
But , of the little tree fuschias which I bought for the front doorstep, and all of which died in that chosen location, two of the three have grown on from the roots. One is going really well and flowering low flowers in a pot in the back garden, the remaining one at the front is not too happy but is fighting the good fight. The third one, well I just uprooted it and never gave it a chance.
I don’t really know what happened to the later afternoon. Some Olympics and more salad.
Tomorrow I will turn my culinary talents to stuffed peppers and tomatoes and to tiropita. Something to welcome the Illis home. Robert’s – you are missing out.
Thought for the Day
For Kathryn

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