Warmish later

I did not sleep well …. No idea why but however hard I tried squeezing my eyes tight shut, sleep just did not happen as it should.

I amused myself watching Dawn French in The Trouble with Maggie Cole on Netflix which was very enjoyable.

As I eventually awoke, the day was dull with a damp hint to it . The dogs seemed in no hurry to do anything much but I gathered them up and we were swiftly off to Pangbourne. It was very breezy but not cold. Because the day was forecast to be hot, at 07.00 there were several other dog walkers. These included one gorgeous little whippet who ran the legs off my two. Even H joined in!

Below – Dogs Keeping an eye on something very important.

I have new treats for them which they seem to particularly relish. I picked them up last Wednesday in Newbury from a pet shop with a wonderful pick and mix display, advertised as grain free, with all sorts of flavours and shapes and sizes to choose from. They have a home baked feel to them. And the doggies seem to think they are wonderful.

We were home in time for me to do chores before departing out on various errands.
These all took a while but I was back, starving hungry before midday.

My lunch involved the multicoloured French beans given to me by Brenda – white, black and green, as well as other vegetables with potatoes for bulk.

Inevitably, my eyes drooped after my busy sleepless night .

H is sitting outside as is her wont. H has dug herself a hole under the horse chestnut tree in a spot that is always shady. Minnie is always wherever I am – I’m not sure if it’s insecurity but she is always under my feet!

I have hoovered since she came to stay but I see there is another layer of black hair that needs removing. Loren’s little girl has a tooth abscess so she could not come yesterday. Hopefully today… otherwise it will be a day of hosing and hoovering and possibly mowing.

I decided to involve myself in a quick dash to Waitrose as fresh veg were a bit lacking. Courgettes – yes but I am a bit over-courgetted . The day was hot by now and the breeze had dropped to a sigh. But I had long given up rescuing my beans from resting on the patio.

It was 17.30 when I reached Waitrose, which seemed to be a good time to visit, because the car park was quite empty. My shopping did not take long. I was strict with myself.

The dogs were pleased to see me on my return. Probably because I fed them. And I got the washing in And had a not very quick chat with Brenda. I will be in bed early tonight I think.

Thought for the Day


George is the photographer on the teenage Via Ferrata outing. F is in blue and keeps smiling …Bonkers?
I didn’t realise tight rope walking was part of mountaineering.

Definitely not my sort of activity. Sitting on a sloping rock face …






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