I experienced a rather fretful night. I couldn’t sleep in the early hours so watched Netflix: Mrs Harris goes to Paris. A feel good sort of thing, just the job for the early hours. No tension and you can work out how it is going to finish. No brain needed.
There was drizzle when I eventually woke up. Not at all inviting out there, the drizzle was drizzly enough to form poodles.
However, I decided to get out and about early which was around 07.00. The Meadows were relatively litter free again so it had either been already cleaned up or Friday evening’s visitors were a tidy lot.
But, talking to a couple who were from a boat, I was informed that the police were out and about on the Meadows yesterday evening, only to be confronted by very challenging and feral teenagers on bikes / electric scooters who showed no respect or fear. I’m assuming these kids are the group of 12/13 year olds who are terrorising Pangbourne with their behaviour and vandalism, encouraged by their parents, as frequently reported on Facebook.
They probably would like to replicate what is going on elsewhere in the country. Let’s hope the police are ‘on’ it locally.
Things are generally quite worrying at the moment in that the authorities are finding it difficult to predict where trouble will arise. My heart goes to the dignity, compassion and community spirit shown by the people of Southport. It’s a shame others can’t learn from that and are using what happened there as an excuse to misbehave. It reminds me of what went on in 2011.
We only got a little damp as the drizzle became sporadic. I called in at the Illis to check the back of their house was not flooded and to top up Freddy’s food. No sign of him which was not unusual.
By the time we were arriving home, the sun was trying to break out. But I was feeling quite tired after my restless night.
I had been intending to visit Devon family for a couple of nights but was having second thoughts about travelling with two dogs for just two days. In fact, Pen has not been well, so it seemed judicious to allow her recovery time and spare us all stress, and visit later, in a few weeks, with one dog, when everyone is well.
Sadly, Andrew will not be visiting on the 12/8. He has two hernias, one groin and one hiatus causing him discomfort – and one operation has recently been cancelled due to something more urgent cropping up. He has to remain ready for a last minute call up and is not really well enough to stop off on his way back from Matthew. If he even visits Matthew, that is. I feel for him.
I’ve done very little all day. It’s been one of those.
Minnie is a poo machine. Perhaps I’ll feed her less.
The ILLINGWORTHs have been busy during their first two days in Norway.
Below is a photo of Fleur and Dave being ridiculous and endangering life and limb. On a 20 km hike up Trolltunga or similar . As you do.

Phew! That looks safer at least there is not much of a precipice in sight.

I think they stayed in the pig huts on their first / second night. I am informed George is a mountain goat, Fleur is a machine, and Alex and Dave can’t keep up! Peru last year, Norway this year . Wherever next?
Thought for the Day
Back to Pangbourne …

Bad timing I feel, given the conditions across the country
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