A fairly peaceful night with two well behaved doggies. Silence reigned until I awoke at some silly hour that I am becoming accustomed to.
I was later out with the dogs this morning – it was after 07.00 when I reached Pangbourne and it’s scattered litter. There was not so much today but still enough to attract foggy curiosity. The moment I release them off the lead, both of them take off, at speed, sometimes in different directions which can make gathering them up for an orderly trek quite tricky.
But they both exhibit curiosity in anything and everything and everybody and move at their pace ( not mine) . Today was not exceptional, pleasant as ever, and we returned, panting, to the car and headed home.
I had had the foresight to load the dishwasher and washing machine before setting off so I had them to deal with upon my return. At least everything was clean.
it was time for a sit down and as I was enjoying the early morning air, I noticed Minnie chewing something down the garden. It was my prized cucumber! Now I have half a prized cucumber. Well actually I have no cucumber because I ate it. It was the curly one. At first I thought she had eaten my other cucumber as well , but I found it still attached to the plant thank goodness. Tucked round behind it.

Meanwhile the courgettes are still producing. I need a variation on boureki. Fritters may be. I think some tomatoes are showing signs of colour though the yield is a bit disappointing.
To amuse the dogs, I defrosted two marrow bones. Minnie spent an awful lot of time chewing hers. H spent time chewing hers but then buried it in a pile of leaves down the side of the house. I dread to think what it will be like tomorrow. Crawling, I should think. Then, I put their biscuits out, but Minnie did not want to relinquish her bone, and tried to enter the house with it. There was a bit of a stand off but I won and removed her bone from her jaws.
I chucked it back down the garden and H is now giving it her attention. Obviously it is much more interesting than her own. But in any case, she has probably forgotten where she left it.
It has been very very hot again with horrid humidity. Too hot to linger outside. However a change is on the way with fresher temperatures forecast, as well as and heavy rain in places. Having just had a shower, I would not mind being rained upon. Briefly.
I watched some Olympics. A handful of Brits have done very well but the swimmers are very disappointing. The evening screenings are devoted to swimming but we have few successful competitors. Gymnasts are not well represented either. Apart from a few heroic efforts. Great triathlon result, once they sorted the Seine out, rowing and diving. Hockey is also disappointing.
In the absence of much British interest, I watched episodes 3 and 4 of the Turkish Detective. I am looking forward to 5 and 6.
And in the event I managed 7 and 8 too. It’s good!
It is Thursday morning and I must depart to do an early pick up to take A and G to Reading Station. The dogs must wait until I get home.
Thought for the Day
I haven’t one – empty head! Busy start.
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