I slept not badly. It was 15C when I awoke around 04.30 and I contemplated the days ahead. For a bit.
The dogs and I were out a little bit later today but it was still very pleasant. We went to Pangbourne again, but I was dismayed at the amount of litter scattered around, it was mostly plastic bottles and crisp bags etc.
I’m not sure if the litter patrol works weekday mornings.
Even my bench was covered in litter, and the miscreants were even using coop degradable bags to carry their delights there. But couldn’t be bothered to stuff their rubbish in the same bags to remove it. So I did it for them and disposed of it at the end of the walk. But that was just one bag from several litter locations.

Of course all this litter was too much for the dogs and it had to be sniffed and investigated. Luckily there was nothing of yukky enough temptation. And the boat doors were all closed. So not a very rewarding trip for them.
But both dogs were active and kept busy. H keeps busier than usual when Minnie is around.
I was home soon after 08.00 so performed the usual chores, and some others . One of which was to lug the 12kg bag of recently delivered dog food into the kitchen and then into the food bin. Minnie eats a lot more than H, starting with brekkie, which H does not normally get. H ignored my mini offering over two days so Minnie just added it into her tummy.
Then I continued to plant up some of the plants that needed repotting but I ran out of compost.
But the hose sneaked into my hand. I see yet more courgettes require my attention and there may be a cucumber tomorrow.
The heat built up, and became very intense, as did the humidity. It was too uncomfortable to be outside.
Alex and Dave called by in the evening on yet another return trip from Nottingham.
Alex said she had spent the day sitting under an umbrella in Nottingham, watching the hockey. George and his team have done exceptionally well and have progressed as one of the winning teams to their final match at 3.30pm tomorrow: the 3.30pm is significant because Ali has had to change their flights and G and A will fly to Norway early Thursday morning because they cannot get to their Wednesday evening flight in time. What a muddle! But G was also player of the match so it was all worthwhile. And England selectors were present.

I sat around feeling too hot for most of the day.
Also annoyed because it seems this new government do not regard the votes of pensioners worthy of their attention. Probably because they all vote Tory. Or so they think. A tossed aside generational generalisation. They’ve done away with the winter fuel allowance, (fair enough) and also the social care cap. Definitely not fair! Come on Starmer – you must have a social conscience in there somewhere. And now someone has suggested they are so sure the older vote is not worth fighting for that they will means test state pensions. I worked for my state pension! For many years! And U.K. state pensions are way less than most of the EU countries.
The day passed in an Olympic haze.
The right wing seem to have swung into action to stir things up in Southport, where sadness and mature response was taking place in response to the deaths of three if the children who were stabbed. They seem to be seeking to start up riots. In Southport!
Thought for the Day
From this :

To this: ( and 27 injured police people)

One of the children who died went to Farnborough Road Infant School, where my brother went briefly until Mr Loveridge, the head at the time, advised my parents that he needed better.
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