I had a good sleep and the cool air of the morning was very welcome. It was around 12C at 06.00. (But over 30C 12 hours later) All was silent and I was mindful not to disturb Fleur or encourage Minnie to get herself up and about.
But I made myself a drink and opened the back door for the doggies. That is until H decided to let rip. And so I closed the back door again.
I was out and about with H and Minnie at around 06.00, down at Pangbourne. No sleeves required despite it being only 12C. They ran around lots as we advanced by the river. Minnie tried visiting the river boats again but found it sterile territory as the doors were shut tight.
There were a few dog walkers and the odd jogger around, and the odd combination of both, most allowing sniff and greet. The river was a mirror with steam gently gliding off its surface.

The dogs both paddled and snuffled and Minnie produced the most enormous pile of poo. I need super size poo bags. I hope she felt better for it.
We returned home, by just after 07.00. The day was young. All was silent from Fleur’s room so we left her in peace.
I inspected the estate but retreated for a sit down. We had brekkie together, of sorts and then I returned F home to enjoy a day of tidying up and in the company of a friend.
George had a very good day at the Talent Academy going on in Nottingham yesterday. He has two more days to go.
The Roberts seem to be enjoying their swimming pool.
I bit the bullet and shoved the mower round the grass . Small achievements can make a big difference to how you feel. It’s no longer a menacing job that hangs over me! I then followed the mower with an outing for the hose. And then I made a list of all my outstanding chores. That is also good for my spirits, because by listing the jobs, I almost feel as though I have completed them.
There followed a period of rest after my early start . And I sat around and admired the skill of competitors at the Olympics.
I’m quite shocked- a multiple stabbing in Southport of all places. Children.
And Rachel Reeves has been busy removing my winter fuel allowance which is worth £300 per year. But, to be fair, this allowance was paid to all pensioners regardless of how wealthy they were. So it probably needed adjustment and awarding to only those in need.
I am not enjoying this heat.
Thought for the Day

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