Warmish and Busy

I was up and out with little H quite early today. I had a busy day ahead of me . The night had not been easy due to a busy brain disturbing my peace.
Instead of being asleep, I was busy worrying about parking in Wantage for Anthony’s 90th birthday party and I was also worrying about where to pick up Fleur from Truckfest.

But for Fleur and Truckfest, I was only on standby, so that became irrelevant. As did the parking concerns as it turned out later in the day.

H and I wandered along the river at Pangbourne. We were out there good and early so we only saw the litter patrol, and a few dogs with their humans and a few joggers. But H’s legs had a good stretch as she nosed around amongst the grasses, paddled around and chased other doggy creatures. The litter patrol had only a little litter to gather this morning, I am pleased to report.

Back home again, I relaxed a while and then tarted myself up for Anthony’s 90th party, in Wantage. We had been warned that the nearest car park was out of action due to some works or other, so I took the precaution of setting my mind at rest and reserving driveway parking. But it was not particularly close to the venue.

However, this was a waste of a small amount of money because the car park near the venue was not being excavated, and was available for use, with loads of space.

It had a very smart smart loo which attracted my interest and served a need. It had a green light on its external handle to indicate it was available and within were various icon like controls which dispensed loo paper, flushed the loo and showered your hands. It even had a hole above the loo to accept druggy paraphernalia, such as sharps etc. And a large mirror. Various red illuminated buttons locked and unlocked it. And the entry door was a serious piece of kit being so strong and heavy, I thought I was entering a bank vault.

The venu for the birthday party was a very nice pub / hotel in the middle of Wantage, where we were served a splendid buffet. And there were about 50 guests, including old school friends, work colleagues, neighbours and relatives. It was a lovely occasion and quite a surprise for Anthony. Not much point in alerting someone with dementia that there is about to be a party. But Anthony seemed to remember who was who. And clearly enjoyed himself.

Anthony and Tony used to sit and chunter to each other through our carers’ meetings.

There they are below – last November.

And Anthony today at the party…

Anthony was in the RAF and the cake is in the form of a 9 and a 0.

I discovered Wantage is not far from Moulsford – less than 30 minutes on a good run and we were home in no time at all and I noted the Truckfest information signs which happened to be on the route. Useful for tomorrow when I will be ferrying Fleur back and forth. I am not on stand by tomorrow.

Dave had rescued Heidi from our house in my absence, and had taken her to have a playdate with Minnie. In reality, he had been hunting out a gas burner and a large hold bag for their imminent departure for Norway.

So I rescued Heidi and enjoyed a manicure from Alex. She has a new manicure toy so she can apply shellac.

I returned home with H to relax. After all, I had been awake all day. It was peaceful and lovely and the Olympics streamed. I had mixed feelings about the Opening Ceremony, the previous evening. I normally find these events tedious beyond tedious. But we were taken on a kitsch / avant garde tour of Paris down the Seine. In absolutely torrential rain. Parts of the show were stunning and other parts were not. I didn’t make it to the end.

Thought for the Day






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