I slept too well, after waking around 06.00, getting a drink and performing some flexing. I registered the noise of the bin men clattering their way past at 06.50, and the next thing I knew – it was nearly 10.00. That was rather careless and indulgent of me.
A modicum of tidying up followed. More for show than anything else. Then it was time for our walk.
H and I wandered round Pangbourne meadows, where parking was not a problem today. It was warm enough to be out without sleeves, and rather muggy with it. The sun had gone elsewhere which gave the day a gloomy feel. H found too much of interest which made her rather deaf to my summonses.
We returned via Vicars which is undergoing some transformation with a slow rebuild and expansion of their coffee shop. They also have new and interesting ranges in display.
We returned home where I cooked an early supper / late lunch and promptly fell asleep. (again) .
I awoke to the arrival of the take away curry. Only there was no arrival of anything at all, let alone a take away curry. What there was turned out be a gust of breeze through the open back door. And Heidi sitting just outside. Without any sort of curry Just wishful thinking. One of those figments that occur from time to time. A hallucination maybe.
I sat down with the Turkish Detective series – it is the umpteenth time I have tried to watch it. I believe it’s very good but I keep losing the thread, at the same point in episode 1. Just as I did today.
Thought for the Summer’s Day

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