I had a terrible night’s sleep stressing over going to SW today ( bite the bullet gel) and various other uncertain arrangements.
But hey, I had a swim booked with Fleur and I was a little bit early to pick her up, just before 08.00. It was G’s last day at school today, and he was so keen to get there that he turned up for the bus an hour early. I think he had a little egg on his face!
However, F and I arrived at the correct time for our swim. My lane was nearly empty. I was there later than usual, but was able to greet acquaintances who were leaving the pool.
Fleur quickly disappeared to the very quick people lane, where she motored her way up and down. I covered about half the distance that she covered.
On the way home, I picked up H and took her over to the Illis where I had a very good cup of coffee and a chat. Loren was busy cleaning – my turn on Friday.
I then decided to take Minnie on our walk which would be at Pangbourne . Only it was not to be. Every handy car park was full, even the paying one.
So, I took the dogs to Lower Basildon by the river. I have not been there for some months. I saw not a soul, as we walked through the meadows, apart from a few paddlers along the river. The dogs – well I struggled to get them to leave the waters. This was a great place because there is a little beach area for them where they could dash around in the water. Too often it’s a slip way into deep water.
I returned the two wet dogs into the car and shoved Minnie through her front door.

H and I returned home for some lunch and relaxation.
At around 16.30, it was time to leave for Newbury to meet Brenda for SW. she had warned me that yesterday, traffic was heavy and slow through town, so it made sense to by pass the middle via the A34. Well the best laid plans and all that…
I got stuck in a jam way north of the M4 junction. So crept along slowly, then managed to carry out a nifty manoeuvre to swap to the old road through the middle of town. But it wasn’t long before that road also seized up and it continued through the muddle of town. By now I had warned Brenda that I would be late. I was about 30 minutes late, which helped me decide to dip out of SW.
In the meantime, unbeknownst to me, Brenda had timing issues of her own, was also running late, but not by 30 minutes. She then chickened out without my company so we have new arrangements in place. She had been to see Michael where she has to use a long diversion due to roadworks. She too got seriously held up.
So, all the way to Newbury and back for what? Another week.
H was moderately waggy when I arrived home to sit down and watch the final of the GBSB. A worthy winner won.
I don’t think Amanda Abington is all she seems to be.
Thought for the Day

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