
A dullard of a day which did nothing to encourage me to get going. And since my nighttime sleeping patterns are improving, I awoke later than usual. I did a bit of stretching to make up for my early inactivity.

And it was only a while afterwards that the day became exciting. Or that is probably the wrong word for it.

Let me remind you… tomorrow they are closing Streatley Hight Street for 3 weeks . And then they will close Streatley Hill. Or make access limited.

Let me remind you of something else – that yesterday the vet had ALL of H’s flea and worm tabs ready for me. But, the doc did not have all of MY tabs . They hoped to have them today.

So, this morning, I was very happy to receive a text, requesting I collect them from the surgery dispensing machine.

So, H and I set off to pick up my tablets and then – walkie time. Simple! Or so you would think. But, oh no… today the metaphorical river was not flowing calm and smooth, so the sailing was not going to be smooth either. I arrived in Goring, and was very near the medication dispensing machine, when my watched pinged. It had pinged to give me not very good news. I had left a ‘device’ At home. And that device was my phone. And recorded on that device was the code I needed to access the contents of the dispensing machine. That meant only one thing – a turn around to go home and pick up the phone which I did.

I arrived back at the magical dispensing machine for the second time, to find a series of incomprehensible and mysterious messages onscreen. So I went to visit reception to investigate. Long story short, there was a man in the machine with a lot of loose wires. He was there to fix it – supposedly. Why put medication inside it if customers can’t access it because it needs fixing? I was a tad perplexed.

I did not ask that question, but by now my ears were beginning to resemble not very dormant volcanoes with steam curling round their edges.

The man would be about an hour. That was good. Better than two hours anyway. It would just allow me to walk H. I tried to do one of those gritted teeth smiles whilst I asked if they could possibly extract my medication in time for my third visit which would be in precisely 60 minutes time . That was to save me an 18 mile round trip on Wednesday when the gas people would be busy digging up the road. Again.

Watch this space and I suggest you don’t hold your breath.
Meanwhile, whilst on the subject of little H, the other evening I caught her red handed. Brazenly, she was heading for the garden with my gold bag, and its treats, clutched between her jaws. What a huzzey!

And then, this morning, I found the same gold bag on the floor surrounded by a certain blue bank note and a few coins. But empty of treats, and having gained a few more scars from doggy teeth. Goodness!

Anyway, to continue, walk done, time to pay my third visit to the surgery. Where there was a queue that did not shorten quickly. I finally reached the front of it and was handed my drugs. Phew!

So H and I returned home where I watered and picked. Plants and veg. And did some dead heading etc etc. H supervised.

I had quite a good haul of beans and more courgettes on the way. The cucumbers are there, but tiny. I think that monster we enjoyed last week must have been the precocious member of the gang. And I also have an orange tomato.

Supper consisted of beans and quite a lot of left overs as I explored the insides of the fridge. But they were all quite tasty and filled me up.

Swimming tomorrow and I’m supposed to be taking Fleur. That will be exciting for both of us, just need to remember to pick her up.

Random Thoughts for the Day






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