
I did not enjoy a very restless night. Trouble is, I slept too well before I went to bed. So I was quite wide awake after I went to bed. But I found ways of amusing myself.

It was forecast to be a very hot day, and it was. So I planned it out quite carefully and was out and about in Pangbourne earlyish. There, two ladies who spoke an incomprehensible language, were preparing themselves for a swim. Boats plied their way up and down the olive green waters, which were clear close to the surface. Helicopters were busy overhead, RAF Benson on manoeuvres, no doubt.

There were not many people out and about, just a few dog walkers, and the Dolphin Centre seemed to be busy with various challenges for a group of young children. H busied herself whilst we walked, but was happy to enjoy the shade of the bench I was sitting on. She paddled too.

We returned home to attend to the usual daily chores. I repotted some plants into my newly purchased pots at the front of the house, and applied my not so green fingers to other plants. And then I chomped my way through a stir fry before falling asleep for a little while.
Once awake, I took the hose for a tour of the garden where my market garden was dehydrated. But, before doing that, I mowed the grass, which had not grown much over the last week, but I did not want Eleanor to feel moved to cut it as she did last summer. She will be here over the next three days.

By then, I was wide awake again and set to stay so for the evening.

Then things got complicated… and I stayed awake. Alex, after 4 days of being ill, has finally tested positive for Covid. No problem for me here because I have not seen her since 30 June. Since then I had Covid myself, between 1/7 and 8/7. I’ve had no contact with the other Illis since around 10/7 when Ali was in Italy still with Fleur et al.

But they have a busy weekend ahead of them which is proving tricky for a Covid infected family. Notably… Fleur, who has been in Peterborough all week, might need a lift back from Wallingford tomorrow around 5.00pm. A 30 minute trip. No known Covid contact there.

But my mind turns to Sunday evening when Pen and Dave and Mike are travelling from Devon to join Alex ( if better) and Dave for a concert at Englefield featuring Elbow. And all were supposed to be staying chez (poxy) Illingworths. So that is a conundrum! A tent in the garden maybe?

And tomorrow night’s social at the Rec involves tents so I expect it will be lively over there.

Today has been very hot and tomorrow is forecast to be almost the same, but hotter.

So, an early walk beckons and then I have shopping to do.

Thought for the Day

For those who do not know…Frank Gehry is the architect of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao amongst other things.

But I digress… from my camping images. Guggenheim is below.






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