
I slept well, waking for a hot cuppa around 05.00 and promptly falling asleep again until much later. I was still feeling really, really tired when I woke up and was not inclined to go swimming.

I slowly surfaced. Today, is Tony’s birthday. He would have been 78 years old . It was a warm and sunny day. A perfect day for a birthday.

A look outside into the garden and I decided a wander round with the hose would benefit my beans and courgettes, in particular. I organised the furniture so I could recline and enjoy the great outdoors.

Garden produce, above. But there are a couple of odd ones out.

The produce was rapidly transformed, with some added peppers, onions and potatoes, into a vegetable hotpot that tasted very delicious. And sent me to sleep later in the day.

Much earlier, after sorting a heap of messy chores which included putting washing away, some gardening, loading the dishwasher, dealing with bins etc etc, H and I went for our walk.

It was late morning by now, and since it was T’s birthday, we wandered along Lardon Chase to sing him birthday greetings. And have a more general chat. Luckily no body was around to share my madness. It was warm enough and H scampered as we walked, but was content to share the bench with me as I chatted with T.

The grass blades and seed heads quivered and danced in the breeze. Butterflies and bees investigated the meadow grasses; distant leaves rustled making sea sounds. The trains snaked along in the distant Thames valley bottom, heading towards Brunel’s Bridge. All just perfect.

We came home and I prepared and ate my vegetables and then I had a little snooze.

Alex is still poorly, but the Roberts family have arrived home from Greece.

So that is it, more or less.

Thought for the Day







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