Dry 3

A good sleep followed by a good wake up and a decision not to swim. It might have spoilt the moment!

I managed to get various chores done and myself dressed etc before lovely Loren arrived. She has been poorly all week so was struggling a bit today, but she got the job done. Tonilitis and antibiotics were her problems.

H and I wandered off to Pangbourne, which is on the way to Aldermaston, where I meet my Basingstoke friends. It was a cloudy, dull, still day, but not cold.

I was curious about the dismemberment of the car I parked beside- there only was one parking space. The man beneath the car, who was busy surrounded by various strand and mysterious lumps of metal, explained he was preparing it for its MOT. Not a puncture, then, which was my first thought, until I saw all the bits and pieces.

The walk was very pleasant and we made it to the love-in log and back. Annoying triffids were harbouring sneaky invertebrates, some of which took chunks out of me. And left me itching.

I had a lovely lunch with Jane and Sue who are champing at the bit for the end of term. There are continuing tales of really bad behaviour for which they have to pamper pupils rather than point out the errors of their ways. Goodness, what sort of adults are we breeding?

I had to talk to myself on the drive home because my eyes were feeling heavy and I just wanted to go to sleep. I managed this once safely home.

I am not sure what happened during the evening. I watched more episodes of Horsepower and I now feel I am equipped with enough knowledge to train and race horses. There were back stories involved too. A very interesting series.

it was a very gloomy evening – I feel the nights are drawing in. A bit too early.

Thought for the Day






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