Well we need it! Despite all my complaints of a few weeks ago, it has not rained much in the last month as my hose and I can testify, and so can the brown patches in my grass which has suddenly stopped growing. But rain brings a certain dullness with it. It has not been constant all day, but it has been wet.
I woke up in the current, customary confused state, probably something to do with being awake on and off through the night tracking the election, which more or less behaved itself.
Having felt a lot better yesterday, I felt rather grim again today – no improvement but no worse either. The aches and pains had returned. My head is a bit foggy again. Just tired I expect.
So I was slow to get going but did manage it and a masked visit to Vicars followed by a short Pangbourne walk for H. In the rain. In deserted meadows . Apart from the geese. And there were plenty of those around but H just ignored them.
We returned home to find a lovely bunch of flowers on the doorstep – agapanthus and sunflowers and lilies. Thank you Ali. Now in a vase.
I threw together a shepherds pie and went to sit down while it cooked.
Pen and Co have moved from the sparkling-white, party island, Mykonos, to the more natural Syros. She tells me Mykonos is for the tourists. Tony’s family comes from Syros.
NOT the ferry to Syros. They travelled on a seacat

The afternoon continued unpleasantly wet. And I went to bed early.
There has been a certain symmetry about the weather – it poured with rain 6 weeks ago, as Sunak announced that the election from his 10 Downing St lectern. And it was doing the same for his closure speech today.
Thought for the Day
Thank goodness that corrupt lot of self-serving buffoons, and all their chicanery and partying, who had no work ethic and who couldn’t have organises a piss up in a brewery, have gone.
I think someone else came up with that!

the architect of it all
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