General Election

And Labour are lots and lots of points in the lead- forecast to have a huge majority varying between a hundred and 300 seats. Who knows.

I find election nights incredibly exciting. The last one went pear shaped because of all the idiots that believed the lies that Boris and his cohort of lying sycophants spun.
Quite a lot of them seem to have realised the error of their ways- too late for our EU membership.

But memories are short in this country – who can forget the lies over Partygate; his attempts to prorogue Parliament; his battles with John Bercow; his rambling and avoidance during PMQs; his team of liars and incompetents; most of them arrogant and convinced they were above the law; his 10 Downing Street make over; and his taking us out of the EU.
Unforgivable – all of it. He has had a good go at wrecking this country- I wonder how history will report on his achievements.’

But election coverage with its swingometers and stats is usually quite exciting. I like watching out for particular politicians who I hope will lose their seats. But too many of them are not waiting around for that – rats deserting etc etc

This morning I woke up feeling g quite a lot better. I think my temperature is reduced in which case it has meant the absolutely awful aches and pains are fading.

I felt well enough to step out into the chilly morning air and check out my market garden, to put in washing and hang it up. All before I took H out.

We did not go that far but it was very pleasant, a combination of walking and sitting beside a ruffled Thames. The wind is causing a flutter or two across the surface of the waters. However the wind was chilly although not unpleasant. The sun was shining during the morning although eclipsed by cloud during the afternoon.

I popped into the pavilion to cast my very important vote.

And upon my return home, I replaced a few straggly past-it violas with new plants. I was surprised how dry the soil in the pots was despite all my best watering efforts. And I managed to get hold of a hot lips salvia which produced such massive bushes along the Normandy Coast.

Mine is more of a twig at the moment.

I returned inside for a bit of a rest and finished watching the very enjoyable ‘Girls’ guide to Murder’.
And I may have had a snooze. And I may have watched the end of an exciting all Brit ladies’ tennis match, despite the fact I’m not a big tennis fan. But the girls were attractive to watch – long legs, pretty dresses and blowfish or strawberry blowfish. The underdog won. Upon reflection not blowfish but blondish.

I found an ancient avocado lurking in the fruit bowl which was surprisingly edible, especially by the time I had added tomatoes, lime and coriander.

i forgot to finish and post this early this morning. (Friday). So I will post it now. I’m still struggling with this Covid business though definitely better than earlier in the week.

The tories have received the kicking that was rightfully theirs. And Sir Ed Davey and Co have over 70 seats – well done to them.






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