Overcast continued

I knew something was wrong overnight because I could not settle to any sort of sleep.

I was very very achey, my nose was stuffed up, my throat was sore, my brain was wrapped in a thick fog and my head hurt. Couldn’t have been worse really.

I knew it was probably Covid ( thank you Anne) and this was confirmed by a positive test later in the day.

I spent most of the day in bed , aching too much to shift myself out of it. Then I became mindful that I needed to drink more which got me up and moving. H, bless her, also remained glued to her bed.

Sadly, this means I won’t be able to attend the Downs School production of Bugsy Malone at the end of the week, nor will I be able to meet Brenda later in the week. We were scheduled a chat today and I could not face that either.

I will find a mask and go and vote on Thursday.

I have been shivering and cold most of the night and morning but thawed out during the afternoon. Let’s hope tomorrow is better.

The Roberts family are now in Greece, the rest are keeping their distance because some of them are off to Milan to see Taylor Swift next week. At least Fleur and friends and a couple of minders are. Can’t prejudice that by sharing Covid.

Luckily I went shopping yesterday so am stocked up for the duration.

I dug myself out of bed in the late afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. And I would quite like some sleep.






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