
I was awoken with a horrid start when the alarm went off just before 07.00. I was quite disorientated. Then I remembered I was at home and had no commintnents. So I got the cuppa and relaxed. H was feeling similarly inactive.

I showered and prepared myself for the day ahead which I had previously designated as a gardening day – dead heading and tidying up, and replacing one or two plants.

After a little exhausting admin and texting, I fell asleep again – for over an hour. Goodness I had only just awoken. This will not do.

H and I visited Pangbourne for our walk and helped ourselves to a pleasant wander along the river. It was fairly quiet and fairly cool.
H became involved in a fracas with a female German shepherd who was being walked by a lady with another dog which was on a lead.

I am trying to be honest when I say the GS wandered calmly over to say hello to H who was not over friendly. She uttered a little snap. And the GS reacted with extremely disproportionate force, snarling, and chasing H so she could not get back to me. It was not all harmless fun but no actual harm was done. The bitch was recalled by her owner, and luckily, eventually responded, and joined the other dog on a lead.

Had it been a child involved …

We returned home where I deposited H so I could spend a few minutes in Root One and pick up some items from Waitrose.

The fields and waysides are beginning to reflect the lack of recent rain and my lawn is transformed from a patch of fast growing luscious green to a brown and dusty patch.

I’ve given up on Fuschias in the front garden because they keep dying, and will replace them with something else that might not die. Fingers crossed. Waste of money those fuschia trees.

I watered the garden and tried to work out why my bush tomato plants are an untrained mess, whereas my cordon ones are growing straight and true. There are even tiny little set tomato fruits peeping through the undergrowth.
I have conjoined yellow courgettes, tiny cucumbers appearing and also some runner beans are forming.

Spot the items mentioned:

Grr… Wimbledon has taken over BBC tv for the duration… fine if you enjoy tennis. Why are the BBC allowed to show this? And not cricket or golf or tiddlywinks?

What, with election programmes, football and Wimbledon … my TV viewing is all messed up.
Tonight, in an attempt to escape the rubbish, I started to watch the rollicking Lady Jane on Prime. It’s a blast. From the past. A fake one.

I’ve developed sneezes, and a blocked nose and achey. Sounds like Anne’s symptoms and she has Covid. I tested myself this evening and the test was negative so probably a summer cold unless something changes.

But it has kept me awake much of the night.

Thought for the Day






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