Today Penny is 50 years and one day old. I can’t remember my 50th birthday, perhaps someone else in the family can. My 40th is very clear. But not number 50.
The main event of the day in sunny Devon – The Roberts family were to hold a BBQ for close friends and family.
So, I took H out for a walk over Woodbury Common around 07.00. It was cloudy and dull, and a bit damp, but the silver sea shimmered in the far distance. The walk was not particularly pleasant because I was either walking up or downhill, never on the flat. And I was walking over lumpy ground which did not help me feel secure. Nice view though.

But we made it there and back in one piece and I took myself to brekkie. I texted Mandy, Matt and Anne, who were staying at the same hotel, but Mandy and Matt’s timing was scheduled for a bit later and Anne was feeling grim- fluey she said.
I suggested she text for Covid because it is on the rampage at the moment. Because she was expecting visitors, she did test, and the result was positive.
That does not thrill me since she was a front seat passenger in my car for over an hour yesterday.
It means I have had to cancel meeting Brenda, with Michael’s frailty in mind. Looks like a lonely week ahead! Brenda is old enough to have qualified for a spring vaccination , but I am too young. I think you have to be 75.
But it can’t be helped and I hope she is not too poorly.
So Mandy was going to drive Anne back to Bristol in Anne’s car and Matt would drive their car.
I checked out of the hotel and took H over to the Robert’s house. Some of the 12 people staying over there were up and dressed and breakfasted.
The day was improving by now and there were clues that the sun might be less shy.
The children of all families were a delight this weekend. Though some of them are too old to be classed as children. In particular, Heidi benefitted from Mabel’s attention and from Eli’s also. They are aged 9 and 12 respectively, and Mabel was always on the floor with H when she was not in the pool. H is very gentle to stroke, Minnie gets a bit over excited in her desire for attention.
I didn’t tie H on a long lead yesterday and she just stayed around the pool area with us all, not straying. Unless I went to the loo, in which case she followed me.
She is always so pleased to see family members that I wonder if she would still wish to run away home or in search of ne.
Some of the youngsters and oldsters kept busy in the pool.

George carries his Dad.
We had a wonderful BBQ lunch, prepared by the Daves et al and a great mixture of side dishes and BBQd items. Followed by Pen’s birthday cake.
It was good to see Clare again, with Matthew, who she will marry at the end of September. He is lovely. And John and June too. I need to take a leaf out of their book and take weekends away in different, but. not too far off, parts of the country.
I had decided that I would drive home via the A303 whilst England were building up to, and playing their latest football match in Euros 24. Against Slovakia. I thought there might be less traffic because people would stay at home to watch the footy. I may well have been correct, because the journey was smooth and much swifter than my outward trip. And traffic was minimal for a summer Sunday afternoon.
Listening to the footy on the radio was alarming because Slovakia were 1 goal up for almost the entire journey. BUT… as I arrived in Underhill, Bellingham equalised, and by the time I had entered the house and done a wee, Kane had added another goal which allowed England to go onto win. Somewhat exciting until the final whistle was blown.
After all that excitement, I gave my plants a rather feeble drink, but better than nothing.
H had weathered the journey well and seems happy to be home. It is now a rather gloomy, brooding evening.
What a perfect weekend.
Thought for the Day
“Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.” – Anthony Liccione

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